Monday, January 30, 2012

"Nine Muses"

                      Muse (noun):  a spiritual or intellectual guide
                                (verb):  to ponder or meditate

We occasionally hear about “The Muses”...but What or Who are they?
I often wondered! too!

The Nine Muses were Greek goddesses who ruled over the arts and sciences
and offered inspiration in those subjects.  They were the daughters of Zeus
(lord of all gods) and Mnemosyne who represented Memory. It is significant
to note that Memory was important for the Muses...because, in ancient times when there were no books, poets had to carry their work in their memories.

These Nine Muses were deities that gave artists, philosophers and individuals
the necessary inspiration for creation.  All the ancient writers appealed to the
Muses at the beginning of their work. Homer asked the Muses, both in the
Iliad and the Odyssey, to help him tell the story in the most proper way.

In painting, the Muses are usually presented as ethereal women with divine beauty, holding laurels and other items...depending on their faculty.

Caliope .........the Muse of epic poetry.  She was also the supreme Muse
                       accompanying Kings and Princes in order to inspire justice
                       and serenity.

Clio ...............the Muse of history and guitar.

Erato............. the Muse of love, poetry and weddings.

Euterpe .
.......the Muse of music; she discovered several musical instruments.

Melpomene...the Muse of tragedy.

Polhymnia ....the Muse of sacred poetry; the protector of divine hymns and art.

Terpsichore...the Muse of dance, the harp and education.
Thalia ........... the Muse of comedy, architecture and agriculture.

Urania .......... the Muse of astronomy; always depicted bearing stars,
                        a celestial sphere and a bow compass.

Today, in this century, our perspectives differ.
We need not depend on Muses!
Our sources of information come from much gained technology.
However, the basic need of every  human still Happiness!
Do we not "muse" about this quality of life?
(as sought by the Greeks and Romans in their day)

"Pearl of Wisdom"

If You Want Happiness:
                                      for an hour ............ take a nap;
                                      for a day ................ go fishing;
                                      for a week .............. take a vacation
                                      for a month ............ get married
                                      for a year ............... inherit a fortune
                                      all your life ............. it will surely come
                                                                         by helping others.
                                               (as quoted by a Rotarian)

Merle Baird-Kerr . . . written January 28, 2012
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