It is peaceful...serene...and tranquil.
The air has a chill, yet the sun is warm.
My balcony, an escape from winter's interior,
fills my vision with nature that surrounds.
The trees are leafing beautifully green;
grass, so lush, sprouting
dandelions golden.
The whisper of the breeze wafts through the branches.
Across the bike path...blossoming white trees;
and 'side a town home fence, a forsythia so glorious.
The birds are “tweeting” from bushes and trees;
even “Freedom, Freedom”, my friendly red cardinal;
mourning doves “twittering” to and from nests.
(I had a family of these...a few weeks ago;
Carlo and
Bella called my balcony home ~
here they raised fledglings 'til able to fly).
Their twiggy shallow nest remains on the chair
reminding me that in Nature...we experience Life.
Somewhere out of sight, hear a motoring
Below me, Janine lovingly walks
her dog.
Another neighbour parks her auto...
cartons of flowers she wagon-pulls plant in
her private garden.
Not a
busy-traffic-day ~ yet vehicles sound a whoosh
as they quietly travel along the neighbourhood street.
occasional bus, motorcycle, together with bikes & joggers
create a blending flavour with the abounding nature-scape.
Wearing an extra sweater, I relish this Spring weather ~
the air so fresh, the pastel sky of softening blues.
“Spring Tree Fairy” is a canvass I'm stitching
with two
single strands of colourful floss.
With a garland of flowers in her long flowing hair,
upon a sturdy limb...she pensively rests;
her dainty hands folded upon dress of sheer
and pinkish cream shawl draping
‘cross her arms.
Her gossamer wings extend upwards to
leaves ~
leaves of sundry greens and flowers of pink, rose and wine
which curve and frame this “portrait”… of fanciful beauty.
“Pearls of Wisdom”
Someone is sitting
in the shade today
because someone
planted a tree a long time ago.
(Warren Buffet)
“Why does the
bamboo tree grow here?”
“It is waiting for
the wind to please you
when it rustles
through the leaves.”
(from a TV movie
re an Asian girl and an American).
Baird-Kerr . . . written May 5, 2012
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