Humour is defined as: an amusing quality that intends to incite laughter
and to indulge the whims of others.
Benefits of Laughter!
Physical Health Benefits: Mental Health Benefits:
Boosts immunity Adds joy and zest to life
Lowers stress hormones Eases anxiety and fear
Decreases pain Relieves stress
Relaxes your muscles Improves mood
Prevents heart disease Enhances resilience
Social Benefits
Strengthens relationships
Attracts others to us
Enhances teamwork
Helps defuse conflict
Promotes group bonding
Best of all...this priceless medicine
if Fun, Free and Easy to Use!
Over the years, I have accumulated many stories filled with humour.
In reviewing these, I discovered they automatically categorized themselves
into many facets of our daily lives. It is my pleasure to share these with you,
my special readers, and will post them frequently.
Also, posting today ... Animal Humour.
Other topics include: Bridge, Business, Family, Female, International,
Medical, Political, Religious, Senility, Theatre and Word.
Following each reading, my wish is:
“May we all live Healthy
and Happily ever after!”
Merle Baird-Kerr . . . written November 13, 2011
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