Friday, September 2, 2016

Hello September!

What a Month! Hopefully the approach to less hot/humid days is imminent
in 'preparation with anticipation' of September 21st...
the first day of Autumn...said date also honours National Tree Day!

Mid-month I plan to post a writing to acknowledge Grandparents on their special day of Sunday, recognition and attention to these remarkable persons who significantly (in most cases)
play a major role in these 3-generation families.

Continuing my series re Canada's Provinces and Territories, I'll be posting Alberta...not only our country's 3rd prairie province, it is one of exquisite mountain beauty.

Toward the month's end, I'll be posting critical writings in 3 Parts
about the frequent Muslims' intrusive activities inflicting North America today. I counter this by stating that I have great respect for all religious faiths and recognize the benefits that immigrants bring to our country...their culture, their skills, their cravings for safer places to raise their families. That Canada has and is becoming multi-cultured is credence that our land of forests, lakes, mountains and opportunities for greater happiness offers a boon of 'good fortune' to our new neighbours!

Living amongst us, whether long-time citizens of Canada or from the influx of current immigrants, are individuals who incite others to deride the laws of our country and mock the Maple Leaf Flag!

A a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs,
principles, etc.that he or she does not actually possess...especially a person
whose actions belie their stated beliefs.

Christianity is the largest religion in Canada...representing 67.3 % of the population
while 23.9% adhere to no religion.
Other Religions in Canada: Judaism numbering about 500,000 is actually the 4th largest Jewish community in the world...trailing only Israel, France and the United States.
Islam is often said to be the world's 3rd largest monotheistic religious faith...its origin traced to the Middle East.
Muslims in Canada number over a half-million...and is one of the fastest-growing religions in the country...due to the recent influx of Muslim immigrants from the Islamic nations...namely South Asia and the Middle East (Iran, Pakistan, India, Egypt and Lebanon). Of all the religions practised in Canada, Islam is by far the most controversial with polls showing them to be among the least-trusted segments of the population...due to extremist attacks on United States and other countries.

Other Religions: Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Agnostics and Atheists. Canada is also home to very small sects of Pagans, Wiccans, Scientologists, Hare Krishna and New Age Spiritualists. Aboriginal faiths have existed in Canada prior to the arrival of Europeans and Christianity.

Regardless of whether the immigrant is Syrian, Lebonese or Egyptian
among the Muslim population...there are many GOOD PEOPLE.

Muslim Group Marks 50 Years in Canada
Steve Arnold of The Hamilton Spectator
in an August issue, wrote:
They cried for their neighbour, Nathan Cirillo, they condemn all violence in the name of their religion, they support the education for women and believe loving Canada is a part of their faith. In short, the Ahmadi are nothing at all like the Muslims Donald Trump and others rant about on Fox News every night.

The community marked its 50th anniversary in Canada, Thursday the 18th with a special gathering at Hamilton City Hall. It describes itself as a 'revivalist movement' within Islam working to restore that religion to its true, non-violent form. Hanan Sobhi, imam of the group's Hamilton mosque, told 100 supporters and local dignitaries that Canada has been good to the group and they want to return the favour. The 'imam' stated, 'For 50 years we have called Canada, home ...we carry a deep, genuine love in our hearts for this country and this city.'

The group and its 70 chapters across the country sponsor regualar blood donor clinics, regularly issue releases condemning the violent acts of Muslim terrorists, sponsors a national program preaching against ISIL and run the Meet a Muslim program that invites interested people into the homes of local families to tearn about their faith and customs. Sohbi said, 'We want to give people a chance to sit down with their fellow Canadians and build bridges. Breaking bread together is the best way to dispel misconeptions we have about each other.'

The murder of Canadian army reservist, Nathan Cirillo, an Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders' corporal, was an incident where the community made its feelings clear. Cirillo's neighbourhood was in the community of their King Street East mosque. They staged a solidarity rally at City Hall.

In other efforts, the community's youth group at McMaster University joined with other groups across the country to raise one million pounds of food this year for food banks, charities and its own Humanity First program. The target for the entire year has already been surpassed. So far, they have raised more than 35,000 pounds of non-perishable food.

The Ahmadi movement has up to 20 million adherents around the world. Its claim to follow a prophet after Muhammad has resulted in persecution of the group in some Muslim countries.”

Words of Wisdom

We need to remain a nation that doesn't just welcome
but that celebrates legal immigrants who come here
seeking to pursue the North American Dream.
(Author unknown)

We make a living by what we get;
but we make a living by what we give!
(Winston Churchill) 

Information compiled by Merle Baird-Kerr...September 1, 2016.

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