Sunday, January 27, 2019

Brownish 'Barn Owl'

A Morning Wake-Up Vision and Inspiration

In the silence of the night
not a twig moves ~ nor a leaf curls.
The brownish 'barn owl' ~ sat
perched on the top of a sturdy pine tree.

The golden sun had gone to bed
'neath the horizon's western sky
to light the world now awakening
while perched, he was, on the top of his sturdy pine tree.

In the darkness of the night, Moon rose:
a pale yellow sphere came into view
casting shadows on the forested woods
whilst brownish 'barn owl' sat ~ atop his sturdy pine tree.

Owls in hunt are nocturnal
while other raptors are fast asleep.
(They can better see and hear than humans.)
Peering into the darkened woods
he mesmerized 'bout his evening meal.
Will it be rodents like voles and squirrel
or will it be a rabbit or mice?”
muses the brownish 'barn owl' perched atop his sturdy pine tree.

'Twas time for a feast ~
a bird flying low ~ even a mouse
as it scurries ~ thro' the forest glades.
His eyesight keen ~ wings ready to extend,
he was ever-so-ready for his late night swoop.
Any prey moving in flight
or rodent hastily scampering,
was target for his sharpened claws ~
reasoned the brownish 'barn owl' perched atop his sturdy pine tree.

Awaiting patiently atop his perch
the brownish 'barn owl' spied a vagrant bird
who with food in mouth for her babe
was flying home to her forest glade nest.

But, brownish 'barn owl' ~ no fool was he:
On silent wing, he darted through the inky-blue sky
to this errant bird.
At full speed, grabbing his evening meal,
swiftly back he flew to his Brownish 'Barn Owl' home.

Unaware of her threatening danger ~
and innocence of her flight,
her 'babe' would not be fed that night!

Oh! What is to become of her baby bird
abandoned and all alone?
Mothers of the forest will intervene:
care for him...feed him... and love him
as a fledgling of their family flock.

He'll learn how to fly...
know and where to food-search
then be sent on flights to develop his skills.
He then must follow the well known script
Advice From an Owl”
composed by Ilan Shamir.

Stay focused.
Be hoo you are.
Trust in a wise friend.
Live off the land.
Glide through the dark times.
Be observant.
Life's a Hoot!”

* * * * * *

An African Proverb advises
The owl is the wisest of all birds
because the more it sees ~ the less it talks!

The owl, a Spirit Animal, offers Inspiration and Guidance
to deeply explore the Unknown and and the Magic of Life.
(Author unknown)

Did you know? If a Barn Owl's mate dies, they will go into a deep depression before losing the will to live and joining their other half ~ because 'barn owls' are nature's most die-hard lovers.
(with credit to Les Arnott ~accompanied with a photo of barn owls devotedly kissing)

Writer: Merle Baird-Kerr ~ January 14, 2019
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