Thursday, September 27, 2018

Political Profile

While stitching a cut on the hand of a 75-year-old farmer whose hand was caught in the squeeze-gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.
Eventually, the topic got around to politicians and their roles as leaders.
The farmer said, “Well, as I see it, most politicians are 'post turtles'.
Unfamiliar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was.
The old rancher responded, “When you're drving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle on top ~ that's a 'post turtle'.
Seeing the puzzled look on the doctor's face, he continued:
You know he didn't get up there by himself...he doesn't belong there.
He's elevated his ability to function...
and you just wonder what kind of dumb arse put him up there to begin with!”
And the doctor commented: “It's the best explanation I've ever heard!”

Judge's Brilliant Comments on Sentencing
(with thanks to Dilu for this submission)
Ahmad Hassan, who tried to blow up a packed tube-train in Parson's Green in West Lincoln, was jailed today to life-imprisonment...with a recommendation that he serve a minimum 34 years. Mr. Justice Haddon-Cave, in his sentencing, made the following pertinent and astute observations. “ Finally, Ahmad Hassan, let me say this to you. You will have plenty of time to study the Qur'an in prison in the years to come. You should understand the Qua'ran is a book of peace; Islam is a religion of peace.”
The Qur'an and Islam forbid anything extreme, including extremism in religion.
Islam forbids breaking 'the law of the land' where one is living or is a guest.
Islam forbids terrorism. The Qur'an and the Sunna provide that the crime of perpetrating terror to cause corruption to the land, is one of the most severe crimes in Islam. So, it is in the law of the United Kingdom. You have violated the Qur'an and Islam by your well as the law of all civilized people. It is to be hoped that you will come to realize this some day.
Written by Rawat, President: Association of Muslim Lawyers.

An American Viewpoint
Have you ever stopped to consider how lucky we are to have the neighbours we have? Look around the globe at who some folks have been stuck...sharing a border with over the past century!
North Korea/South Korea...Germany/East Germany...Turkey/Greece...
We've got Canada! Oh, Canada!
(about as inoffensive a neighbour as you could hope for!)
In spite of all our boasts of 'American Exceptionalism' and chants of 'America First”
Canadians just their thing...and go about their business.
They are, on average: more educated...have a higher standard of health care...and no gun problems. They treat immigrants respectfully...and already taken in over 35,000 Syrians in the last 2 or 3 years. They're with us in NATO...they fought alongside us in WWI...WWII...Korea...the Gulf War...the Bosnian War...Afghanistan...the Kosova War...and came to our defence after 9/11. There was that one time when Canada took a pass on one of our wars: Vietnam. Good call.

They've been consumers of American imiports...reliable exporters of metal and petroleum products (they are the biggest importers from 37 states) ...and partnered with NASA in our space missions.

During 9/11, many aircraft were diverted to Newfoundland, an island province on the east coast where Americans were housed in people's homes for 2 weeks and treated like royalty. In return, what did Americans do? This administration slapped a 20% tariff on the products of their only paper mill, thereby threatening its survival. And what do Canadians expect of us in return?
To be respected for who and what they are: Canadians!
That's what I call a Good Neighbour!
Based on his delusions of perpetual victimhood, out of the clear blue sky, he's declared economic war on Canada. Oh Canada! And he did it, based on Canada being a national security risk to the US!
For no reason, other than the voices in his head told him it was a war he could win! So, Why Not?
Trump went ahead and imposed his tariffs on aluminum and steel (even though we have a trade surplus with Canada on those products). Trudeau retaliated in kind! And now, the White House is preparing a new wave of tariffs in retaliation for Trudeau's retaliation! Now he threatens a tariff on automobiles even though 70% of the components originate in the US! It's just a temporary spat. Right?
Again, we're talking about Canada. Our closest ally, friend and neighbour!
On behalf of an embarrassed nation: People of Canada, I apologize for this idiotic
and wholly unnecessary attack. We, the people of the progressive persuasion stand with you!
Today, There are More Reasons Than Ever to Not Visit the U.S.The following are excerpts from a writing by Mark Bulgitch which I recenlty read.
(He is a former senior executive producer of CBC News)
“That Canadians should stop vacationing in the United States,
I thought this an appropriate way to take a moral position against U.S. President, Donald Trump's policy to exclude people from certain countries, just becasue they were from those countries.
As Canadians, we shouldn't turn a blind eye to that kind of discrimination.
According to Statistics Canada, overnight trips from Canada to U.S. went up about 5% last year. We crossed the border more than 20 million times. Travel from the rest of the world to United States went down. The U.S. has not retreated from its black-listing policy. There's still a total ban on everyone from a few Muslim majority countries. On top of that, Trump has threatened to remove thousands of people who had temporary legal status...and others who have landed there in pursuit of the American Dream.
That has caused a flood of 'asylum claimants' to head to Canada. There were more than 20,000 last year and more than 7,000 already this year. I never thought I'd see the day when struggling families are hustling to Canada. The moral case for not vacationing in the U.S. is stronger than ever!
The President is also making it harder for Canadains to
put food on their tables...clothes on their
backs...a roof over their heads...and loss of Canadian jobs.

Prices on some goods wiill go up!
Why this is happening: It's not like some mysterious disease has infected us and we're wondering how the germs got there in the first place. We know what's going on!There's a wild man holding the highest elected office in the U.S.
In the past, that office was filled by (mostly) thoughtful, reasonable and careful men who were aware that power isn't a licence for busing your friends! So if this president insists on punching you in the nose...and eating your lunch, why should you continue to pretend he's still a 'great neighbour'and go over to his place to spend your time and money???
See beautiful Canada from Cape Spear, Newfoundland to Vancouver Island.
Travel from Point Pelee to the top of Nunavut!
Author: Merle Baird-Kerr...written September 17, 2018
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