Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"Real Life " ... in Real Estate

In every profession, there are true life stories...just waiting to be told...whether dentistry, business office, the police force and experiences among teachers, firemen, steel workers. I share with you unbelievable situations that occurred
 in my Real Estate business.

Women Who Excel was a business women's networking organization that met monthly. Members could speak of...and promote their individual businesses...
each given 10 minutes in a designated  meeting.  When our turn arrived for
Real Estate, I recommended to the other realtor members that we combine
our efforts to tell of “woes and successes” we encounter.
Accepted by the President as an excellent idea, we prepared 3 or 4 real life experiences, written in skit format...and enacted by each of us “wearing a different hat”.  Surprisingly, it captivated our audience...a huge success...
with invitations to present these skits to other organizations!

Early in 2012, it will be my pleasure to share these with you,
together with others that were personal to me.

Introductory Comments

           There are numerous services and skilled people involved
           with every house transaction:
           The Lawyer/Solicitor who may review the offer before being presented
           and later, his acumen required in checking title to the property, etc.
           Mortgage Brokers and Appraisers
           The  Home Inspector who, with the buyers in attendance, checks the
           house condition for its construction (foundation, walls, roof) and
           "working parts" , often giving cost estimates for repairs.
This is only the many other contractors needed with ongoing
home requirements and maintenance throughout the year(s):       
          from movers to renovators
          from telephone, cable and internet providers to electricians and plumbers
          from furniture stores to garden nurseries and landscapers
          from roofers to insurers of home and property.
Without Realtors, their businesses would be severely impacted.

As Realtors, our foremost service is to Buyers and Sellers...
Good Service...always “pays a reward”

Dave  Letterman is not the only one with a “Top Ten List”!
Over several years, I developed “Merle's Maxims” about providing Service.
(applicable to anyone in  business)
TEN         Listen to your Customers/Clients; try to meet their needs & requests.
NINE       Utilize  all Resources available to generate best, possible results.
EIGHT     Create  a Rapport to  instil Faith, Confidence, Trust and Loyalty.
SEVEN    Communication  says, “I have not forgotten you and still searching
                for a suitable product.”
SIX           Go the extra mile ~ more than what is normally expected.
FIVE        Knowledgeable  in your  vocation field;  enroll in ongoing courses
                and seminars; in conversations with clients, discuss these aspects.     FOUR      Time is of Essence  ... so important in this situation.
THREE    Share their Disappointments and Enthusiasm.
TWO        A House Gift expresses Congratulations and a Thank You
                for Your Business!
ONE        Persistence!  A person is not finished when he is defeated;  
                he is defeated...when he quits!

On the “flip side”, be careful How you Apply the following popular maxim:
“If at first you don't succeed.....” does not always work!
Skydiving is not for you!

       A Truth from History:

                       The value of Courage, Persistence and Perseverance
has rarely been illustrated more convincingly than in the life story
                         of this man (his age appears in the right column).

                         Failed in business ...........................................  22
                         Ran for Legislature ~ defeated ......................  23
                         Again failed in business ..................................  24                                                   Elected to Legislature  ....................................  25
                         Sweetheart died  .............................................  26
                         Had a nervous breakdown ..............................  27
                         Defeated for Speaker ......................................  29  
                         Defeated for Elector ........................................  31
                         Defeated for Congress .....................................  34
                         Defeated for Senate .........................................  46
                         Defeated for Vice President .............................  47
                         Defeated for Senate .........................................  49
                         Elected President of the  United States ...........  51

                         That's the record of Abraham Lincoln.

Merle Baird-Kerr . . . written December 19, 2011
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