Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The New Year Awaits!


When the New Year sprouts
from its midnight roots...
like a gorgeous bloom,
it will open soon.
We leave behind doubts
while building new hopes...
aspiring for feats
in community and home.

Building Home and Community
based upon Divine Principles

        We are one.
        We are family.
        We are each individual sovereign aspects ...of the creator source.
        That which you give, you will receive.
        Intent facilitates creation.
        Energy flows where the mind goes.
        You reap what you sow.
        All life is sacred.
        Respect and honour the self and each other as aspects of self.
        Take only that which is freely given.
        Treat others as you would like to be treated.
        Cause no harm.
        There is only one love, and it exists whether anyone can see it at all.
        There is only one truth, and it exists whether anyone knows it or not.

(Compliments to Sherrie for these Divine Principles)

The foregoing are my “Pearls of Wisdom” to jump-start the New Year!

Picture a bluebird hunched on a branch, barren of leaves,
yet loaded with numerous red berries.
His feathers are fluffed, giving him protection of warmth 
on this cold wintry day,
while snow gently falls on his body, the branch and the berries.
He's complacent and happy as he ponders this quote by ... Oscar Wilde:

What is beautiful
is a joy
for all seasons!

Merle Baird-Kerr . . . written December 17, 2011
Comments appreciated ... scroll down (enter as “anonymous”)
or ...inezkate@gmail.com

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