Sunday, December 13, 2020

Marriage Bartering ~ Part 2


Listening is one of the loudest forms of kindness,
observed Darlene Schacht.

You cannot negotiate with people who say:
What's mine is mine ...and what's yours is negotiable
(stated John Fitzgerald Kennedy).

With thanks to Tom, who submitted the tale of
Ed and his Wife, Norma who go to the State Fair Every Year!

Every year Ed would say, Norma, I'd like to ride in that helicopter.
And Norma always replied: I know, Ed, but that helicopter ride is fifty bucks.
And fifty bucks is fifty bucks!

One year Ed and Norma went to the fair, and Ed said: Norma:I'm 75 years old .

If I don't ride that helicopter...I might not get another chance!

To this, Norma replied: Ed, that helicopter ride is fifty bucks!

The pilot overheard the couple and said, Folks! I'll make you a deal. I'll take both of you for a ride .
If you can stay quiet for the entire ride...and don't say a word...I won't charge you a penny!
But, if you say one word, it's fifty dollars .
Ed and Norma agreed...and up they went.

The pilot did all kinds of fancy manoeuvres...but not a word was heard.
He did his tricks over and over again...but still not a word!

When they landed, the pilot turned to Ed and said,
By golly, I did everything I could to get you to yell out,
but you didn't. I'm impressed.

Ed replied: Well, to tell you the truth........
I almost said something when Norma fell out! But you know...Fifty Bucks is Fifty Bucks!

Aspirations to Combat Life's Tribulations and Distress

May you have the freedom of the deer...exploring life before you.
May the forests imbue you with their majesty....

thus engaging you with perks and peaks of life;.
Seek for beauty in solitude and flights full of exubera
May all your valleys be peaceful...and mountain tops glorious!
(A Jackie Lawson T

After 70 years of marriage, a man is asked why the secret of a long and successful marriage:
It's simple (he replied). Two nights a week we go to a quiet restaurant..
...and enjoy exquisite food.....some candlelight...soft music...and a slow walk home.

She goes on Wednesdays ~ and I go on Saturdays!

Composed by MBK..April 30, 2020
Your comments, I appreciate

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