Sunday, June 7, 2020

Strawberry Shortcake

In the nearby side pasture adjacent to our farm home, Mother planted two long rows of strawberries with hopes that in May or June, following the development of green berries, they would ripen into luscious red fruits ready to be picked. Yearly, my sister and I were responsible to pick these berries. 'Twas not an easy task: donning knee caps which Mother had made for us; we had to crawl along the rows each side...and with a boxed crate (holding either 4 or 6 quart boxes), select and pick these wonderful red berries. As previously informing you, our farm, siding a fast flowing creek, was often rife with slithering garter snakes, of which I had inbred fear. My sister, and I would pick one row at a time.. and she on one side ahead of me and I on the other side. And when our crates were full we carried them to Mom in her busy kitchen. Her favourite recipe, by far, was her creation of short cake ...a dessert beyond measure...perfectly adapted to be enjoyed with strawberries ...blueberries.... peaches...apricots or pears, selected from our fruit orchard. In a lush season, Mom made plenty of strawberry jam, which we enjoyed year long.

They are called strawberries because over winter and early spring, straw is placed along the rows of berry plants, protecting them from the season cold.

There was incentive for my sister and me. Our father built a fruit stand, which during the fruit seasons, any access fruit Mother did not need ,we were allowed to sell roadside along Hwy. 53. A great big sign advertised: FRUIT: for SALE!. Most enjoyable this was, for Eileen and me: The monies earned were ours to keep! Being a busy highway, she and I invented an automobile game: With pads of paper,we tracked licence plates, observing 'out of province' travel.....colours of vehicles...description of plates. Our greatest pleasure was not only the taste and production of various was the joy of assisting family...and joy of a bit of monetary payment!

Messages from Plants

If you really want to eat - keep climbing.
The fruits are on the top of the tree.

Stretch your hands ~ and keep stretching them:

Success is on the top.
Keep going, advised Israelmore Ayvivor.

Plants are more courageous than almost all human beings...
an orange tree would rather die than produce lemons.
Whereas, instead of dying, the average person would rather be someone they are not.
(Mokokoma Mokhonoana)

What is happening to me happens to all fruits that grow ripe. It is the honey in my veins that make my blood thrive ...and my soul quieter, confessed Friedrich Nietzsche.

Written by Merle Baird-Kerr...June 1, 2020
Opinions welcome:

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