Sunday, May 3, 2020

Plant Celebration

April is the cruelest month
breeding lilacs out of the dead land...mixing memory and desire...
stirring dull roots with spring rain.
(stated by T. S. Eliot)

Last week I stored my winter coat
exchanging it for a royal blue light jacket
and red scarf for delightful spring weather.
What better way is there to celebrate the month of May?
Writing this eulogy to Spring, my name is Hi Biscus
I've been indoors all winter!
Now that Spring has arrived ~
I'm yearning to sprout new leaves ~
needing sunshine, raindrops and a breeze
on the balcony

Anxious, I am for air so fresh
that Mother Nature will hear my prayer
and inspire my Song to Sing
on the balcony
Voices I heard discussing my demise ~
"Probably late April or early May ~
to the balcony I would emerge."
Mother Nature heard my plea.
The wind-blown leaves and other dusts were swept
and wrought iron furniture rearranged
to create for me a sunny corner
where I'd be located ~ on the balcony.
Yesterday she brought me home ~
in a pink pot of purple petunias ~
She set it on the table
to welcome me to my summer home
on the balcony!
The birds knew ~ as they perched on hydro wires
that my entry to the outside world
was imminent and t'would be my summer home
on the balcony!
'Tis now May when the warm winds will breeze
through my feathers and leaves of green ~
And soon, large coral flowers with yellow stamens will bloom
throughout the summer until fallĂ‚  ~
while on the balcony I happily dwell.
I love the sun ~ I love the rain...also the
the waft of gentle breezes across my balcony home.
My birdie friends daily sing to me
as to and fro we tweet avian concepts.
In his writing The Second Garden, Frances Hodgson said
"Spring is the sun shining on the rain...
and the rain falling on the sunshine...
and things pushing up and working under the earth."
O Sunshine! The most precious gold to be found on Earth!
(declared Roman Payne)
A green vase filled with long-stemmed golden blooms relays this message:
May your day be filled with Sunshine and Flowers.!
Wise Words from Zen Shin:
A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it.
It Just Blooms!

Writing created by Merle Baird-Kerr..May 1. 2020.

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