Saturday, December 14, 2019

Citations from Newspaper Readers

Who Said What Recently

It's like being punched in the gut. My heart jumps to my stomach when I realize he's 
tweeted about me again. The President of the U.S. is calling me names to the entire world. 
He's demeaning me and my career.”
Lisa Page, former FBI lawyer who became a frequent target of Donald Trump
 after criticizng him during his candidacy in 2016,
ending nearly two years of public silence.

Too little has been done before, almost nothing. But we'll go stadium by stadium,
 sector by sector, and identify these people to keep them out of there.”
Luigi De Siervo, CEO of Italy's top soccer league,
on the rampant racism among soccer fans.

There are several reasons we find this problematic,” stated OlavNjoelstad,
director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute.
He was troubled that Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmid, the 2019 Nobel Prize winner
won't attend any event next week where he could be asked questions publicly.
Ethiopia has seen violent unrest.

I think people are understanding the force of angry kids. If they want us to stop
 being angry, then maybe, they should stop making us angry.”
Climaate activist, Greta Thunberg, on criticism from some leaders
about the tone of her speeches.

This is not some sordid sex story; this is a story about being trafficked. This is a story
 about abuse ~ and this is a story of your guys' loyalty.”
Virginia Roberts Giuffre, speaking to the BBC in an hour-long documentary.
The American has claimed she was forced to have sex with Britain's Prince Andrew
when she was 17.
(the foregoing, appearing in Hamilton's Spectator, December 7, 2019)

My Home and the Air I Breathe are Poisoned by Second-hand Pot Smoke
Heather MacDonald-Archer stated “There is no such thing as a right to fresh, clean air.
Although I've fought for it from childhood, it has eluded me
right through smoking bans in work places and pubic buildings. It's a losing battle!
I grew up with smoking parents ~ smoking was cool...acceptable...and social.

But,surrounded by the cigarette smoke of family and friends, I spent a lot of my childhood in
 bed ~ almost dying from asthma, waiting for the doctor to arrive with the magic syringe that would
 release the chains from my chest. It was so bad, the doctor taught my clergyman faather
 how to boil the syringe...draw the adrenelin from the ampoul ...and instructed him on
 just how much could be administered to keep me going, but not kill me.
During my frequent attacks, my mother kept an eye on my breathing
while shouting down the staircase, “Hurry up: her lips are blue
and my Dad prepared the meds.
I was overwhelmed with joy when the first pocket inhaler became available ~ when I was 10.
I could ride my bike ~ and do kid things ~ without the fear of being felled,
 gasping and wheezing . These effective inhalers were always with me:
in my purses...and coat pockets...I wouldn't go to school, shopping without it.
I got married, carrying a puffer. It's a miracle!
Asthma is often outgrown, but I'm well over 60 ~ and as I write,
my puffer sits beside me.
The condition often goes hand in hand with severe allergies and eczema
and I've got both.The allergies are often aided
to some degree with anti-histamines.
Lots of my friends smoke: their choice! You can run air purifiers...we have three..
.dealing with the problem. But no purifier can really handle pot smoke ~ and I'm deadly allergic
 to it. My throat itches and closes lungs spasm...and I start to wheeze and gasp.
 I open windows and sliding doors.
But we have some pot smokers on our floor ~ we are between a rock and a hard place!
And I am sick ~ physically and at heart. This is the dark side of legal marijuana.
No clean air for me ~ it's illegal, apparently.”

Knowing When It's Time to Shut Up and Listen
(written by Paul Berton, (Editor-in-chief of the Hamilton Spectator)
Aging white men got another lesson from Don Cherry: Stop Talking and Listen!
But most are not listening ~ they're still talking (yelling)...writing letters...tweeting...posting...and calling news editors. Over an entire career of of conversations with readers, many ot them annoyed, angry or outraged, I have never felt the need to raise my voice. But, I did this week during a call 
with a reader complaining about the treatment in the media concerning a hockey commentator.
 I barely got a word in ~ he was talking and not listening! The world is changing, usually for the better, despite what some may think. Angry rants about the good old days or making things great again may play well to some audiences ~ but we can't go back ~ and we can't stand still.
Journalism has always championed new ideas...supported and even agitated for change...
and defended what is progressive...because after all, life must progress!
Each of us interprets that differently, but aging white men (including me)
 should take particular note before we let loose in anger ~even if it's just for show.
They have much to teach ~ but much to learn also.
It was the same for our parents ~ one day, it will be the same for our children.

The foregoing, applauded by Merle Baird-Kerr...written December 5, 2019
Opinions respected:

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