Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Hibiscus Saga

My Balcony Became a Summer Garden
When moving to this Seniors' residence, several years ago, end of October,
I brought with me two Hibiscus plants: one would bloom with single-petalled yellow flowers ~
the other, produced double-petalled colourful coral blooms.
When the temperatures were about the same (inside and out),
I brought them inside, placing them near windows.
In Spring, I pruned their branches before movng them to the balcony again for their 'summer retreat'.
Previously, I've written about the dilemmas I faced, when Blackie and Grey (two squirrels)
who frequently visited, insisted on demolishing these 2 plants by chewing their leaves.
After 2 summers, my gorgeous hibiscuses died.
Not to be undone, Blackie and Grey, returned again to attack
my flowering hanging baskets and a couple long flower-filled planter boxes on my railing.
The following summer, I resorted to colourful, artificial flowers.
Bundling and covering them well, I winter-stored them beneath my balcony table.
Yes! You guessed ~ they simply chewed through the plastic coverings to satisfy their quest.

Winter came...occasionally I saw them scampering to locate hidden nuts.
Hungrily, these 'cute little buggers' climbed the brick wall with their sharp little claws, searching for food and when none was found on my 3rd balcony floor, they decided to 'break and enter' my apartment. Shocked I was!!! to see both of them, trembling on my living room carpet (obviously looking for their 'food fix'). Trying to shoo them away, I opened the balcony and screen doors...but to no avail ~ they dashed to the hallway and bedroom to escape...shooing them away, they then rushed back to the living room...dashed out to the balcony... and there they madly scaled down the brick wall...hustling to the trees along the 'hydro-right-of-way...and retreating into their winter nests.
It was only after they escaped, that I noticed a huge torn hole in my bedroom window!

Pesky little creatures, a few days later, while sitting at my computer, I noticed Blackie and Grey sitting on the window ledge where they'd already made a hole in the screen beside me while I was computer typing...with plans, I assume to again' break and enter' through this window to gain access to my apartment...no doubt again on their food quest. With flat hands along the screen, I pushed them out through the broken screen hole...and again, they scrambled down the brick wall to the level ground.
In the summer of '15, I hung 2 flowering baskets on my wall;
I couldn't believe it when Grey consistently, insisted on visiting my far basket.

Good Grief! I thought, as with broom bristles,
I constantly chased him (her?)...until, SHE left the basket... carrying her nude baby in mouth...but dropping it on the balcony floor before my feet...hurrriedly, picked it up again...and dashed off,,,rushing down the brick wall 3 floors to the tarmac below...dashing off to a few woodland trees along the bike trail. Never saw either Grey or Blackie again ~  hoping this was 'good riddance!!!

Following a sojourn, when in '16 and'17, I saw neither of these squirrels ~ at end of August that year, visiting Holland Park Garden Center, I enquired about purchasing a Hibiscus plant...the plants were gone, said an employee, “We do have Hibiscus Bushes”. Bushes? Yes, they had 5 remaining along the eastern fence....four in full bloom...the 5th one with undetermined colour blooms...with a $20 deduction, this one I purchased...being a 'bush', it was much bigger and bushier than the hibiscus plants. An employee carried it to my car...squeezing its leafy limbs into my back seat area. Arriving at my residence, the 'super on duty' retrieved it....placed it in a 'grocery cart'...and in my apartment, he placed it on the balcony. Graciously, I thanked him, promising to give him the first colour bloom it produced!

Loving its northwest environment, it soon started to bloom: a single-petalled flower in gorgeous coral...and continued last summer, to bloom and bloom and bloom with many, many buds before autumn's cool days arrived. The beauty of hibiscus, whether plant or bush, is that the blooms come and go, throughout the season...forming a bud first...preparing to open in a day or two...then in full bloom for 2 full days before closing of petals and dropping to the floor or ground. For the full season of blossoming, there was a continual offering of over 70 blooms. Hibiscus is so delightful!
As per instruction, I moved it indoors when temperatures are about the same inside and out. In the spring of this year, 2018, I pruned its branches, moved it to my balcony end of April..and over these several months, produced 57 magnificent blooms...and now inside near my balcony door (end of October), another 17 buds have bloomed. This bush I have, regiments its behaviour ~ in that, from advice from the botanist at Holland Park, the Hibiscus may lose its foliage in autumn, when cool weather arrives....many leaves have turned yellow, dropping off ~ and when, as all blooming has ceased, I shall prune its branches low to a green notch allowing the 'bush' to rest over winter in preparation for spring's new growth. Today, one bud has opened to a 5-inch beauty...with 2 or 3 other buds awaiting to fully bloom. What an amazing 'plant' or 'bush' the Hibiscus is!!!

To me, this bush is akin to a child:
whose growth we observe ~ awaiting development!

Wise Words from the Wise
Flowers are Love's truest language. (Soren Kierkegaard)
Be honest, be nice, be a flower ~ not a weed. (Aaron Neville)
There are always flowers for those who want to see them. (Henri Matisse)

I wanted it said of me by those who know me best
that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower
when I thought a flower would grow. (Abraham Lincoln's belief)

Unknown Prophesy:
Welcome to the “Karma Cafe”
There are no menus.
You will get served what you deserve.

Author: Merle Baird-Kerr...written November 13, 2018

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