Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Hy and Carnivorous Clans

Once upon a time in Africa's arid lands, dwelt large carnivores, doglike.
Differing in size, today there are four types and in various choice of diet.
Spotted Hyenas...Brown Hyenas...Striped Hyenas...
Striped Hyenas and Aardwolves.

The Striped Hyena has the largest range of all
living in Africa's North and Northeast, the Middle East
and Asia ~ all the way to southern Siberia.

The Spotted Hyenas, allegedly known for their laughs ~
research however shows
the Hyena 'giggles' are anything but light-hearted.
The largest of the species,
they measure in feet about 2.6 from paw to shoulder.
Spotted females are 10% heavier than their males.
The coat is sandy, yellowish or grey
with dark brown or black spots on most of the body.

The Brown Hyenas ~ the second largest, weigh up to 160 pounds.
They are distinguished by their long shaggy hair, being brown or black
Hair on the neck grows about 12 inches in contrast to short hair on legs, face and ears.
Of interest, the forelegs are horizontally striped.

The Striped Hyena have long hair ~ grey to straw-coloured.
The muzzles are black and black are the stripes
on head, torso and legs.

Aardwolves ~ the smallest of 4 species,
about 1/4th of body length is tail.
Resembling the Striped Hyenas, they have similar colour
in fur textures.

I'm a Brown Hyena ~
catching the attention of a Canadian tourist to Zambia's African Safari.
With mutual trust, he named me HY ~ honouring a Jewish friend from University days.
He learned we're very social, living in groups called clans with members numb'ring up to 80;
And that the Spotted Hyena Female is the most aggressive ~ and dominate of the clans.

And yes ~ we do have predators:
Lions, with every opportunity will attack;
hunting dogs and strange Hyenas are among the attacking species
who prey on our clan ~ Hyenas.

Yes! I'm a male Hyena named HY and I fear I may not mate.
As males, we're the clan's lowest rank ~ and being cast out ~ I hope not to be!
One lucky day, when out 'on the hunt', Ena ogled me with passionate eyes.
Needing descendants, she favoured me with proposal to mate with her.
With dutiful etiquette, we united ~ becoming the family of HY-ENA.

Non-related males and females will mate after courtship
that can last for several days.
After gestation of around 3 months, females give birth to 2-4 young.
Baby Hyenas are called 'cubs' whose eyes are shut for the first few days.
Feeding only on mother's milk for the first 6 months,
at 2 years, the cubs are considered 'mature'
and ready to leave their mother.
Mothers in the clan share nursing the young
while other clan members bring home food for cubs.

The Aardwolves (insectivores) only eat termites,
licking off surfaces with a flat sticky tongue...
consuming about 30,000 termites every night.
The other Hyena are carnivores, eating only meat.
They often take advantage of other animal's kill for easy meals
and fill their diet with wildebeast, antelope, hippos, jackals, lizards,
fish, snakes, foxes, porcupine, eggs and insects.
They work together to take down prey.
Hyenas eat every part of an animal including the bones and hooves.

According to National Geographic, the Masai people of Kenya and Tanzania
leave their dead to be consumed by Hyenas, instead of burying them.

Did You Know?
All Female Hyenas rank higher than males.
The Spotted Hyenas can make up to 10 communications with their clan.
The Striped Hyenas communicate with body movements.
According to campers, Hyenas will eat aluminum pots and pans.
The birthing Hyena has only 2 nipples ~ cubs often fighting for food.
Hyenas are believed to be more intelligent than chimpanzees.
(according to Duke University studies)

Composed by Merle Baird-Kerr...June 14, 2018

Notations: Males have the lowest status of the pack and are forced to leave their family when they reach sexual maturity. The fight to enter a new pack is deadly ~ and the dominate female will determine their fate.
There's always a Hyena of mortality at the garden gate
and the Aardwolf at the end of the street. (David Arthur Lawrence)

There was a man sold a Hyena skin while the beast was still alive ~
and who was killed in hunting it. (Winston Churchill)

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