Friday, August 9, 2019

Mystique Between Mammal & Man

Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem
which he has to solve,” Erich Fromm, stated.

Every animal has his or her story about his or her thoughts, daydreams and interests. All feel love and joy, pain and fear. All deserve that the human animal afford them the respect of being cared for with great consideration for their interests and needs ~ or left in peace,” wrote Ingrid Newkirk.

Mark Buber's observation: “An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language”.
Doris Day said, “I've never met an animal I didn't like ~
and I can't say the same thing about people.”

Ellen Generes states, “I am a person caring passionately about equal rights.
I care about human rights and I care about animal rights.”

Famed deduction from Anatole France: “Until one has loved an animal,
part of one's soul remains unawakened.”
When you look into the eyes of an animal you've rescued,
you can't help but fall in love,” observed Paul Shaffer.

It is believed in religion, that soul takes body according to our character or changing nature. Indian epics and Puranas contain stories where the same living entity, the soul is born as animal, plant, man, etc. But, yet the human body is considered superior because only with his body, can one attain a higher body. It is all about Knowledge! Spirituality!”

Ty Watson questions, “How would understanding the animal's nature, differ from understanding the nature of a natural disaster? Neither can explain the actions, yet, both can be perceived as functioning in a common matter. Consequently, humans associate animal intellect with tame-ability.
But, a great question is this:
What is a genius who loses all five senses ~ and how would you know?
My answer is: the Animal.

About feline purrers, Lloyd Alexander opines, “Perhaps one reason we are fascinated with cats, it is because such a small animal can contain so much independence, dignity, freedom and spirit.
Unlike the dog, the cat demands acceptance on its own terms!”

Your Dog Dreams About You
According to Harvard University's psychologists, when dogs dream, they dream about their owners because their REM cycles and brain patterns are similar to ours. Cats probably dream about hunting prey. This was based on sleep observation where a scientist 'turned off' a part of the cat's brain that restricts movement during REM sleep. When they were dreaming...and movement was not restricted...
they'd get up...arch their backs...hiss...and pounce!

Facts That Will Put a Smile on Your Face
There are times when the world can seem like a fairly negative cynical place.
This big, beautiful planet with animals will raise your spirits.

Sea Horses Get Married: They tend to be 'monagamous' and will intertwine their tails to stick together while moving through the ocean. But, is it becuse they're loving? The truth is that seahorses are pretty bad swimmers and spend a lot of time hiding from predators. So, in finding a mate for life, it boosts their chances of successful reproduction.

Male Puppies Let Female Puppies Win Play: In the canine world, chivalry is dead. Adorable male puppies will pretend to be more vulnerable and allow female puppies to win, in an effort to keep the game going longer. This will also enable them to get closer to the female. Studies have found that when female puppies play with females ~ or mate with males, every one plays to win!

Penguins Propose and Stick Together for Life: Male Penguins search for the smoothest pebble to court a female penguin. Should she accept, this will be the first stone that builds the nest in preparation for the eggs that will lay in it. If male penguins have trouble finding their own, some will steal from other males.

A Group of Bunnies is Called a”Fluffle” Baby bunnies are called kittens and when a rabbit jumps and squirms in the air, that move is called a 'binky'. So, when you are at a 'rabbit-jumping-event' you could find a'fluffle' of bunnies and kittens working on their bunky skills.

Cows Have Best Friends: Did you know that cows have dedicated friends they spend day in and day out with? When they are separated, they get stressed. But, once reunited with their 'bestie' ~ their heart rates significantly drop to normal levels. These findings could greatly benefit the dairy industry. In addition, it has been proven that happier cows make more and more nutritious milk.

Studies of these animals (and birds) ~ we as 'humans' can learn much!

The Test of Heaven
Three nuns who had recently died, were on their way to heaven. At the' pearly gates', they were met by St. Peter. Around the gates there was a collection of lights and bells. St. Peter, stopped them, telling them they would each have to answer a question before they could enter through the 'pearly gates'.

St. Peter: “What were the names of the two people in the Garden of Eden? 1st nun: “Adam and Eve.”
The lights flashed...the bells rang...and she went through the 'the pearly gates'.

St. Peter: “What did Adam eat from the forbidden tree?” 2nd nun: “An apple.”
The lights flashed...the bells rang...and she went through the 'pearly gates'.

And, finally it came the turn of the last nun.
St. Peter: “What was the first thing Eve said to Adam?”
After a few minutes, thinking she said, “”GOSH, that's a hard one!”
The lights flashed...!

With gracious thanks, to readers who submitted all the foregoing!

Assembled by Merle Baird-Kerr...May15, 2019
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