Saturday, December 17, 2016

Santa's Plight

During the 6 days prior to Christmas in 2011, 'Non Sequitur' published a cartoon series of Santa Claus. As he and an elf step out the front door of the snow-laden roofed workshop, Santa appears to be stranded on a sizeable ice-cake; his elf points across the frigid waters, dappled with a few small drifting 'floes' to an iceburg of large proportion...
seven reindeer are stranded on its steep slopes.

'Twas 6 days before Christmas
When Santa heard a KER-PLUNK!
He rushed to the door
And found the ice-cap had shrunk.

Can this get any worse?”
he asked an elf who's named Sid,
Who just pointed to sea
And they saw that it did!

Now, what many folks know
Well, a few anyway,
Is that Santa's reindeer can't fly
Unless tied to his sleigh.

But the rest of the world
Unaware of this plight
Blissfully sleeps,
As Christmas drifts...out of sight.

Now, 5 days before Christmas
Santa's deadline was looming,
And made doubly worse
With employment un-booming.

He had no time to waste...
Or get into a funk:
People need Santa more now
Since the economy stunk!

He must leave there on time
So that people won't panic,
As children would would cry
Making parents quite frantic.

But, what could he do?
He was filling with dread.
His sleigh without reindeer
Is like a balloon made of lead.

The trapped reindeer are now
Drifting farther away.
If they're not rescued soon,
There'll be no Christmas Day.

'Twas 4 nights before Christmas
And Santa's spirits are not high.
Unless hitched to his sleigh,
His reindeer can't fly!

With his reindeer still trapped,
A thought made his teeth chatter.
Without presents,” he wondered,
Will Christmas matter?”

We have to go, get them,”
Said an elf who's named Bob.
We can't give up now,
Or we'll be out of a job!”

That's when they grasped,
With the reindeer afloat,
That the task won't be easy
Since they don't have a boat!

With 3 days before Christmas,
Hopes were beginning to fade.
To rescue the reindeer
A boat had to be made.

But, none of them knew
How to build one from scratch.
So, thinking 'out of the box'
A bold plan they did hatch.

It was risky, at best,
But success not remote
By turning the sleigh
Into a boat!

Then, just as they thought,
A loss might turn to a win.
Up from the water
Came an ominious fin.

'Twas 2 days before Christmas,,,
And with time running out,
Santa's mission was stopped
When he saw a big snout!

The sleigh was all rigged
And ready to set sail,
But his path was now blocked
By a huge killer whale!
The risk was too great,
Just not worth the chance.
Did this mean, no Christmas?
No songs and no dance?

This thought was fleeting,
It only lasted a while.
Then Santa's sad frown
Turned into a smile!

How could this be?
What did he know?
Without his prized reindeer
Where could he go?

'Twas the night before Christmas
And there won't be flight.
Santa can't make his rounds
At least, not by tonight!

But Santa still smiled,
It's not a time to be sad...
Because the best gift of all
Is one we already had.

It's a smile and a hug
That brings us pure joy;
And means a lot more
Than any gizmo or toy.

So, turn to a loved one,
Whether nearby or far
And tell them...a loved one
Is just what they are.

Merry Christmas to All!

Merle Baird-Kerr...written December 17, 2016

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