“As Rivers were to the tribal Indians,
English is our Road through Life.
Choose each word and tone of voice,
to clarify the intended meaning.
And...as always, my Mother advised,
Stop and Look before
Crossing the Street!”
(MBK…teacher, advocate of positive thinking)
Words can be loving,
kind, inspiring or in jest;
Words can be
deceptive, sarcastic, of ridicule or anger.
Sometimes, words are
ambiguously misrepresented ~
results? Total confusion and
The world’s most
widely used language is English which has 1.8 billion 1st and 2nd
language users. We are fortunate to live in an English speaking country...
therefore, let us use Our Language with discretion!
language users. We are fortunate to live in an English speaking country...
therefore, let us use Our Language with discretion!
Today's Vocabulary
In July, 2012, my son
sent this essay
which appropriately follows...English Language
(Part I)
The English language
used to have the
elegance of a
feminine term for certain titles,
of which only a
handful survive
in today's common
understands “prince” and “princess.
It is still common
to say “actor” and “actress”.
Many people still
understand “waiter” and “waitress”,
but this has been
largely replaced by “server”.
Server is one who
serves, whereas “waiter” or “waitress”
is one who waits
upon ~ which I regard to be a more fitting title.
To serve conjures
the feeling of service or gratitude,
I prefer
delegating the word “server”
to a computer
network server.
A “steward” is one
who looks after or tends to the needs of people.
I miss the days
when ladies who tended the needs
of airline
passengers were properly titled “stewardess”
and a man of
course, was called a “steward”.
It is the curse of this
equality having gone too far, which has scrubbed the beauty of womanhood from
our culture. The elegance and delicacy of femininity has been largely
replaced with the civil rights cover of “feminism”.
There is a line in the first
book of Anne (with an 'e'), where Anne says to Rachel Lynde, “I shall always
regard you as a benefactress.” At
another point in the story, Anne disregards herself as a “poetess”.
The old-fashioned 'ess' terms
convey a feeling of feminine grace or elegance in the role and maintains a
feminine distinction.
Professions that have been
traditionally male, and typically ended with the title 'man' have been
changed. Fireman...is now called “fire
fighter”...though I can hardly imagine a woman carrying my temple out of a
burning building.
For a while, the term
policewoman stuck, but for some strange reason, that was thought to be
degenerate, so the term “police officer” emerged (even though “officer” ending
in 'er' is a masculine term). My dive
buddy's wife referred to female police officers as “girl cops” ~ a term I much
A lady who checked parking meters used to be commonly
known as a “meter maid”. Wasn't there
some pop song, “Lovely, Rita, “meter-maid”?
There's a little scene in H2O
where Zane has reopened a favourite cafe to partner his girlfriend Rikki. They were hiring some help to wait tables;
Rikki wasn't back yet. Will's very ambitious
sister, Sophie, wedged her way in and convinced the other applicants that the
position had already been taken.
“Who are you?” asked one of the applicants.
“Who do you think I am?” replied Sophie.
“Well, you're not the manageress! I know what she looks like,”
angrily said the applicant.
Speaking of H2O, nobody panics
over the term “mermaid”. Is that one
of the few terms using “maid” to survive
the duckspeak of the modern vernacular? The term “maid” simply means “girl” and
is widely used in the Holy Scriptures, but its common usage in the context of a
cleaning lady has caused it to take on a degenerative view.
Even such words as “dame” and “damsel” have been abused
to a sad level.
Even as I may endorse the
elegance of yesteryear's gender-sensitive terminology, I get confused with
those terms that end in X. My great aunt
was involved in executing somebody's
will and she referred to her role as an “executrix”. I suppose the suffix 'ess'
becometh 'ix' if there is an “X in the title.
The degeneracy of language is a mere reflection of the
degeneracy of the culture.
The price for this abuse of over-equality is a much lower
respect for women than we had before.
I've noticed that lady state
governors, such as Sarah Palin or Jan Brewer continue to use the title
“governor”. Is there something wrong
with “governess”? Or do they think a
governess is a nanny? A nanny is a
child-care giver or a goat. A governess
is a lady who governs.
Words of Wisdom
Problems cannot be
by the same level of
that created them.
(Albert Einstein)
Merle Baird-Kerr …
written February 9, 2013
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