Sunday, July 12, 2020

Tenacity of Trees

Inspired by a few lines, Karen I. Shragg wrote

Think Like a Tree

Soak up the sun
Affirm life's magic
Be graceful in the wind
Stand tall after a storm
Feel refreshed after it rains.

Trees line my view along a paved bike and walking route extending from East Burlington...through residential the downtown hub. Four seasons of the year pass my eyes with reminders beginning early Spring when tiny leaflets announce the rebirth of their statue-like neighbouring trees.
Possibly, they are linden trees ~ however, one tree only in spring, sprouts small red berries in May/early June. Nature, ever so kind in autumn, brushes/paints my view in rich reds and gold.
Daily, from late afternoon until the red-setting sun, I share images that infiltrate my mind and soul.

With the following message(s), from a faithful reader, I share profound facts of interest.

Every submitted photo is addressed with significant fact(s) about the tree's growth on Earth.

A place of enchantment illustrates a tree's existence on a narrow trunk's growth.

This Palm tree fell and with great incentive, righted itself to its original upright state on a city street.
Falling over, this tree cloned 4 other trees after falling in a woodland lot..
The only tree that survived the Tsunami in Japan, was kept alive by keeping its trunk straight as it grew...protected and restored.

The Tree of Life in Olympic National Park, Washington, found a rocky space to extend its numerous leafy branches.
A tree's 'root spill' through the sidewalk, created a location to extend its branches.
An amazing tree grows out of a rock which in Spring sprouted pinky-rose coloured blooms.
A tree grows through a “Speed Limit” sign in front of a residential house.

This old tree, set on a lush woodland lot, refuses to die!
Although winter, this tree still has reddish leaves because of the light shining on it in cold weather.

'Life finds a way' stated the tree, growing its roots from the top of a rust-coloured rock!
Tree toots extend to the mainland for nutrients to maintain its life.
Finding its way, another tree stalwartly rooted itself to a flat-topped precipice.

Finding life, another tree selected a sidewalk to spread its shade-loving-branches.
Ta Promh Temple in Cambodia, is home to this 'temple tree' ...sturdily stands tall reaching into the sky. Never Give UP! States this tree, spurting narrow limbs piercing into the rocky coastline.
Picture in your mind, a rolling sandy desert, where in its midst a tree's home is set in a basin-like slope of desert sand...with blue sky far,far away!

A floating island grew at the end of a sunken tree ...beside peaceful green waters.
Imagine a wooden chair sporting leaves!!!
Set in grassland, is an old abandoned piano... out of its keyboard sprung a sturdy tree trunk.
An enterprising student, hung his skates, when a teen upon this tree when it was barely a seedling.
When limited space, a tree grew out of the stump of a dead tree. Then the stump rolled away
In desperation a t tree grows Out of Rock .!
'Tis winter...and as a car travels the snowy road of ice, snow and barren trees...'

Yet, a leafy tree is dressed in golden leaves..
Being desperate, a tree forced its trunk through wire fencing
'Tho' strange,.a trunk with a' pair of eyes' peers over the wire fence!

Notation:From these incredible photos and human deeds, it goes to show
that if one is determined to survive...and they persist despite impediments,

They and we can do it!

Expressions from Nature

Nature tells us what we can accomplish ~ if we are determined.

My roots will ground me as I reach my dreams. Within each new season, I will blossom and grow.
When ill winds blow, I will bend ~ but not break.

Amelia Earhart stated: The most difficult thing is the Decision to Act. The rest is merely Tenacity.

Louis Pasteur concluded: Strength lies solely in my tenacity

Submitted by Merle Baird-Kerr...July 3, 2020

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