Saturday, January 4, 2020

2020's MAP of LIFE

In a message to me from one of my readers,
Mike, from Stoney Creek summons us:

Entering the 21st century, may we have a new mindset
more positive than the previous one.
May we all, all of us, be more tolerant
of those different from us.

May we show more compassion
to our fellow human beings.
May all of us be less angry and smile more
in our day-to-day routines.

Finally, may all of us be proud
to be living in this great nation
and be proud Canadians!
Happy New Year to Everyone!
(Thank You, Mike for your message)

For a long time, I've been carrying around the following
which I appropriately share with you:
A to Zen in Life
May it bring you peace and inspiration!

Avoid negative sources, people places and habits.
Believe in yourself.
Consider things from every angle

.Don't 'give up' and 'don't give in.'Everything you're looking for lies behind
the mask you're wearing.

Family and Friends are hidden treasures.Give more than you planned to.
Seek them and enjoy their riches more than you planned to.Hang on to your dreams.If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.Judge your success by what you have to
give up in order to get it.
Keep trying, no matter how hard it seems.

Love yourself.Make it happen.Never lie, steal or cheat..Open your arms to change, but do not let go
of your values.

Practice makes perfect.Quality, not quantity in anything you do.Remember that 'silence' is sometimes the best answer.Stop procrastinating!Take control of your own destiny.

Understand yourself in order to better understand others.Visualize it.When you lose, don't lose the lesson.Xcellence in all your efforts.You are unique ~ nothing can replace you.Zero in on your target ~ and go for it!

 to a better, more satisfying life!

A truly happy person is one
who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

by Merle Baird-Kerr...written December 2, 2020
Comments appreciated:

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