quotes comprised of proverbs and philosophies, which I value, coming
across my desk, complement my writings. Old adage says “If
the shoe fits ~ wear it. Trust
these are beneficial.
Krakauer, in his book, Into Thin
he relates another climber's words:
If anything goes wrong,
it will be a fight to the end.
If your training is good enough,
Survival is there!
If not, Nature claims its forfeit.
From Wisdom for Seniors:
If you've never been frightened.. embarrassed...or hurt...
you have never taken a chance...which means
you probably have missed a great deal that is exciting in life.
There's nothing special about people...
it's what they do that makes them special, not who they are.
(Female Humour II)
SUCCESS is getting what you want:
happiness is liking what you get. (Author unknown)
A person is not finished when they are defeated.
They are defeated when they quit. (Unknown author)
George Burns expresses in “Religious Humour,”
Happiness is having a large, caring close-knit family in another
Life is not a journey to the grave, with the intention
of arriving safely in a pretty and preserved body...
rather to skid in broadside proclaiming, “Wow! What a Ride!'
Some days you're the dog! Some days you're the hydrant!
Heaven goes by favour. If it went by merit,
you would stay out ~ and your dog would go in,
uttered Mark Twain.
Every man needs a partner who loves him...who steers him through
with her feminine ways...and a 'spiritual advisor' to Counsel and
once said, “A
man had to be strong, before he could allow himself
to be gentle.”
Advice from Albert Einstein:
Problems cannot be solved bythe same level of thinking that
created them.
A man without dreams ~ is like a bird without wings.
A Chinese proverb suggests
Keep a green tree in your heart
and perhaps a singing bird will come.
a TV movie: Why
does the baboon tree grow here?
It is waiting for the wind to please you when it rustles through
the leaves.
There are only two things you can give your children:
one is 'roots' ~ the other 'wings'. (James Patterson in his novel,
'TheLake House.)
From Twitty and Sylvester:
Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest;
it's about the One who Came and Never Left Your Side!
Being deeply loved by someone gives strength;
loving someone deeply gives courage. (Lao
Your enjoyment of something DOUBLES if you realize you are to have
If everyone had diamonds on their fingers ~
or if the sunsets were universally scarlet and gold,
we wouldn't value them at all. (Gerry
DANCE like no one is Watching!
SING like no one is Listening!
LOVE like you've never been Hurt!
LIVE like it's Heaven on Earth!
Alice Roosevelt's Advice:
At first you're Young...then you're middle-aged...and then you're
To be sitting and doing nothing ~ you need to be sitting very,
very high up!
Once there were three brick layers.
Each of them was asked what they were doing.
The first man answered gruffly, “I'm laying bricks!”
The second man replied, “I'm putting up a wall.”
But the third man said enthusiastically and with pride,
building a cathedral!”
In Youth we Learn!
In Old Age, we understand.
You're never too old to Learn:
You're never too old to Teach.
You should never be too old to Listen!
Assembled by Merle Baird-Kerr...October 10, 2019
Dilu's Response to the foregoing: "Thanks, Merle, this is really an interesting read. The quotes from different philosophers are so great! I really enjoyed the reading!"