Saturday, October 27, 2018

Monday's Approach

Maybe the day is not
One of your favourite, but
Never forget that every
Day you wake up is an
Amazing gift and it's up to
You to make it count!

I believe Awesome Things
will happen ~ because it's Monday.

Mondays in the Classroom
Usually the beginning of a 5-day week, students (mostly) face it as a new day...not only learning lessons of interest...also to re-greet their classmates. For the teacher, it's opportunity in senior grades, to develop programs that increase daily from Monday to Friday: History, Geography and Science are prime examples ~ for by the 5th day, like a mural, the topic has developed and eyes have been opened to reveal the lessons' essence. The highlight for each day will vary from student to student. For some it's Phys Ed and often 'after school sports'. For others, it's music and art. A place for the very literate, may be English Comp and Lit in which they craft their interests.
And when 4 p.m. Friday arrives, it's time to 'punch the clock'!
I bid 'adieu' to my students who merrily exit (with assignments to complete)...
they'll hang out with neighbouring friends...and enjoy family activities.

Are Mondays mundane? Are they a myriad of tasks to perform?
Are they a maze through which to maneuver?

Susie Moore, a life-coach columnist and confidence coach in New York City
stated she used to experience sickly, low, unshakable moods around 4 or 5 pm every Sunday...her low point every week and couldn't get rid of it.. Realizing life was too important to waste hours on a Sunday ~ and if Monday is not your friend, she gives some tips on how to at least not make it your foe.

Savour that Sunday Sleep: Having 5 soda for dinner led to a series of bad choices.Throwing away my hard-earned dough, I was making myself feel physically heavy and unable to sleep properly...gave me a headache on Monday ~ tired and a guilt-fuelled start to the week.Instead, on Sundays, do a bit of meal-prep...catch up on some reading...consider what you'll wear the uplifting podcast episode that'll see you through your morning commute.

Having a List of 5 or so action items to complete through the week, will help you feel in control and focused on Monday morning.What do you need to complete? Who do you want to see or reach out to?
What's lingering on that Notes section of your phone full of recent reminders? Creating a short list of what will make your week satisfying helps you stay on track. Being pro-active feels powerful.

Infuse Monday with a Little Fun: Someone asked me the other day, “How do you like to spend your weekend?” I answered, “I treat all days pretty equally: some writing...some correspondence...and definitely some fun! Go to a movie...have sushi with a friend...have your co-worker for a glass of wine and a little cheese. Mondays feel way different when your week is punctuated with pleasure. And why? Because,' living for the weekend is depressing'!

Make a Change: Maybe you need a vacation or to look for a new job! Think, what type of life do I really want? Is this it? If not, don't ask what's wrong? Ask what's missing! In many cases: music will have you back on track. If not, your emotions are great data, highlighting a shift you need to make. One way or another, Mondays can become bearable ~ even joyful, if you allow them. Because your happiness is not dictated by a calendar ~ it is dictated by you!
It's Monday! Get a new perspective!
Whatever obstacle you're facing, it's not permanent.

Edmond Miaka,who loves Mondays, declares:
When you start to do things you truly love, it wouldn't matter
whether it's Monday or Friday.
You would be so excited to awaken each morning
to work on your passions.

Sister Mary Lauretta states,
To be successful ~ the first thing to do
is to fall in love with your work.”

Wake up every Monday
knowing that you can create something amazing this week!

Author: Merle Baird-Kerr...written October 23, 2018
Comments appreciated: or

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