What will matter, is not your success,
but your Significance!
What will matter is not what you have learned,
but what you have Taught!
What will matter
is every act of Integrity, Compassion or Sacrifice
that enriched or empowered others
to emulate your example!
What will matter, is not your competence,
but your Character!
What will matter is not how many people you may know,
but how many people will feel a Lasting Loss
when you are gone!
What will matter, is not your memories
that lived in those who loved you.
What will matter, is how long You will be Remembered
...by Whom and What!
Living a Life that Matters doesn't happen by accident.
It is not a matter of circumstances
but of Choice!
(Author Unknown)
The above prose inspired me to write the following .
My parents lived their lives within defined borders that constituted good living and family qualities.
Father died of a massive heart attack when he was a young 56...the year of my marriage, and therefore, never knew his grand children. Mother lived to celebrate her 74th birthday...and a few months later died of “old age”. She had worked hard and toiled her entire life...devoted to farm life during the Depression Years, then was supportive of her husband's 7-day-a-week garage business. On Sundays, attended nearby church services...her only “outing” during the week, except for grocery shopping.
When my Dad passed away in November, Mother was lonely and grieving. For that first Christmas, we gave her a yellow singing canary, a standing cage and accessories. She busied herself with her home; her garden of flowers, vegetables and berry bushes; the garage business that was leased. In the spring, she took driving lessons...passing the road test on her third attempt. Very proudly, she drove Father's powder blue Skylark Buick...daylight hours only and never in inclement weather.
Her passion was her “great compassion” to impart to others. She discovered her “niche” at the nearby church. Weekly, she travelled with a carload from Brantford to 100 Huntley Street in Toronto. These dedicated people were counsellors to those who telephoned the radio program seeking advice, help and to often “bare their souls” in moments and hours of personal distress. Mother excelled with the Power to Listen and the Skill to Communicate with these callers.
During the week, she conducted a Bible Study and Prayer Hour. Sundays, she often taught a Sunday School class. Her residence telephone was a “Help Line” to anyone in the church family and in the community, as individuals learned of her kindness, her understanding of their life difficulties and her perception of their needs.
Her body “wore down” and hospitalization became a necessity...the medical staff was unable to prolong her life.
When the funeral home was open to visitation, I was in attendance with my son and daughter. She lay peaceful...with an almost heavenly smile upon her face. Hundreds of people quietly waited and walked to her coffin...sometimes with a silent prayer upon their lips and often a single flower or bloom to lay at her side. Her “followers” truly revered her as a Saint who had walked among them...relating to us the effect she had upon their lives. I was amazed and in awe of the impact My Mother had on so many.
She would be So Honoured, knowing that She Lived a Life that Mattered.
“Life is So Fragile!”
We must cherish Each Day
with those who have a Reservation in our Hearts.
Ensure it is not too late,
if you wanted to say, “I Love You”
to someone for the very first time.
(Solomon Fein)
Merle Baird-Kerr
May 3, 2010
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