Monday, April 27, 2020

Cartoon Gems of Wisdom by Charles M. Schultz

With grateful thanks to one of my faithful readers who
sent me several cartoons published by M.S. Shultz in his long-running
As children grow up, we use cartoons to show how things function in real life.
We explain to them more about feelings and relationships in a way they can understand.
We also show them how to deal with certain situations and people.
It's also an easy way to entertain family kids
when parents are busy with domestic affairs or daily chores.
For adults like you and me ~ it's a form of escapism ~
our troubles away.

Daily receiving The Hamilton Spectator, I glance over the cartoon page ~ being enlightened by a few columns: Drabble...Hager the Horrible...Mutts...Non-Sequitur...Pooch Cafe...Rhymes with Orange...
and occasionally Blondie.

Cartoon 1: Sadly, Charlie states to Linus: Worrying won't stop the bad stuff from happening. It just stops you from enjoying the good.

Cartoon 2:
Asleep on his doghouse roof, an Irish Proverb says,
A god laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.

Cartoon 3:
Linus, tightly hugging his dog, ponders. “I don't have time to worry
about who doesn't like me... I'm too busy loving the people who do love me.”

Cartoon 4:
Gazing into the starry black night, Lucy wonders,Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings
where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy!

Snoopy, snoozing atop his doghouse and Linus sitting beside the 'house entry,'muses.
“The less you respond to rude, critical, argumentative people, the more peaceful your life will become.”

Gazing at the far horizon from the beach where he sits: Charlie and his dog agree:
A tue friend is someone who says, nice things about you when you are not around.
Charlie, broadly smiling explains his blessing:The smile on my face doesn't mean my life is perfect.
It means I appreciate what I have ~ and what I have been blessed with.
I choose to be happy!
Snoopy proudly sits ~ adoring a rose bush in full bloom:Take time to stop and smell the roses.

From atop his doghouse, Snoopy wakens and reaching out to Charlie,
with abig smack on Charlie's nose, greets him ~ bringing an overflowing bowl of dog food!

Always grateful, Snoopy, addressing Charlie, states:When my arms can't reach people who are close to my heart, ~
I always hug them with prayers.

In strong wind blown trees, Linus explains thatFAITH is holding on tight when the going gets windy!

And when, Thanksgiving arrives, Charlie and his cartoon friends
gather together among the autumn harvest of pumpkins, fruit and more
of the season's splendour to give thanks:
May your day be filled with blessings
of love...peace and joy!

Charles M. Schultz, spying Snoopy atop his doghouse, proclaims:
All you need is Love.
But a little chocolate now and then ~ doesn't hurt!

* * * * * * *

Cartoons, followed by adults, is a form of health
a person uses to relieve stress and to feel better.
Some adults feel nostalgic given it usually reminds them of their childhood days.
Cartoons just don't let people escape a parallel world ~ but it results in
helping them to escape to the sweet past as well.

The Road to WisdomDanish inventor, Piet Hein stated,
“Well ~ it's plain and simple to express ~
Err and Err and Err again
of loss and loss and loss again!

Proverb of WisdomThe bamboo that bends
is stronger than the oak that resists.

The foregoing,compiled by Merle Baird-Kerr...February 13, 2020
Your Views appreciated:

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Staying Active ~ When Life is a Challenge

From recent colour calendars, comes sound advice:
Everything we do and every movement we make, involves our joints.
When arthritis makes our joints painful, stiff and swollen,
our lives can grind to a halt.
Taking care of our joints and getting them moving properly
is the number one priority. Make a commitment to get moving today!

Two yearly calendars I have, depict a colourful field of purple lupines
from Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland.

And in the cloud-laden sky, Albert Einsein stated:Learn from for today...hope for tomorrow.

Emily Barr's opinion: It is always the simple that produces the maarvellous.

Several months ago, I read The Shack, a novel written by Paul Young
who remarked, “Emotion ebbs and flows ~ and it tends to get in the way of reaching goals!”
Following is a conversation between two of his characters.

Jesus asked Mack,”Would you like to go for a walk?”
“Sounds great,” responded Mack with enthusiasm.
Mack assumed they would be taking one of the canoes across the lake
as Jesus passed the third canoe, walking past it.
I'm not a swimmer ~ and besides, the water looks pretty damn Cold, remarked Mack
who suddenly realized what he had said.

“Now,”said Jesus, “We both know that you are a very capable swimmer, having once been a lifeguard.
And the water is cold! And it's deep! But, I'm not talking about swimming.
I wnat to walk across with you!”
Mack finally realized he was talking about walking ON the water!
“Come on, Mack ~ if Peter can do it........”

Mack laughed, more and more out of nerves than anything.You want me to walk on the water to the other side?
Is that what you are saying?
Mack walked to the edge of the dock and looked down.
The water lapped only about a foot ~ below where he stood.
(That might have been 100 feet ~ the distance looking enormous!)

“Peter had the same problem, Mack ~ how to get out of the boat. It's just like stepping off
a one-foot stair. Nothing to it! Of course, the water is wet. Tell me, Mack, what are you afraid of?”
Well, I'm afraid of looking like an idiot.
I fear you are making fun of me ~ and I will sink like a rock!

Exactly, Jesus interrupted: Such powerful ability you have and imagination.
That power makes you so much like us.
But, without wisdom, imagination is a cruel task-,master.

Mack stopped and thought ~ it was true.
He spent a lot of time fretting and worrying about the future
and in his imagination, it was usually pretty gloomy...and depressive...and outright horrible.
And Jesus was correct in saying that Mack's thoughts about the future:
God was always absent...Why do I do that, asked Mack.

It is your desperate attempt to get some control over something you can't.
It is impossible for you to take power over the future
because it isn't ever real...nor will it ever be real.
You try to play God:
imagining that the evil you fear will become reality ~
and then, you try to make plans and contingencies to avoid what you fear.

* * * * * *
Chapter 11 in the novel opens with an Einstein quote:Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge
is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.

The foregoing is selected from the afore-mentioned novel: The Shack.

Jackass Mission
 A World War II Photo Features a Soldier
carrying a donkey across a country field.
It is not that the soldier (among others) ~ or perhaps has some perversion.
What's happening is that the field is
mined ~
and that the donkey was free to wander as it pleased!
And that, if so, would likely detonate a charge and kill everyone!

The moral of the story, is that during difficult times,
the first ones you have to keep under control
are the jackasses who don't understand the danger ~
and will Do as they Please!
(forwarded to me by Tom)

Writer: Merle Baird-Kerr...April 7, 2020
Your opinions, I value:

Friday, April 17, 2020

Activities for Today's Dilemmas

This pandemic is defined as situations that call for a choice
between equally unpleasant options that daily face us.

Vivian Greene correctly stated, Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass ~
it's about learning how to dance in the rain.

Forest Gump experienced thatLife is like a box of chocolates ~
you never know what you're going to get.

Daily, I receive The Hamilton Spectator delivered to my door prior to 6 AM. Throughout several pages, they daily inform us with knowledge and advice by which to stabilize our current lifestyle.
Full colour pages are constant reminders published by Hamilton Health Sciences:
Illustratrated recently are a dozen or more working on our behalf with message:
Health Care workers are
often called The Front Line
But there are few of us.
And Many of You.
In this fight, YOU are the front line
The hospital is the last line of defence
for our community's most vulnerable people.
Help them and us by
staying home to reduce
the spread of
Covid -19
for up to date information.

With pale blue background is a personal posted message
seemingly engraved on each of 6 arms with a red heart on each hand:
with closing directive: STAY AT HOME!

In the April 7th issue I was impressed with
8 Home Activities that don't involve TV shows or Books
Very constructive, I reiterate these 8 positive activities with you
as suggested by Vaseen Wafai published in The Seattle Times.

Do a Puzzle: Not only fun, it's a great way to get your mind to focus on something else. Puzzles are also the perfect activity to do while listening to a podcast or relaxing music, If you're feeling ambitious you could attempt a 4,000 piece puzzle to while-away several hours.

Have a Dance Party: It's a great way to get on your feet and shake off some stress.
Why not make it a party and get the whole family in on it?
There are upbeat songs to get you moving. But watch out for the furniture.

Cook or Bake: Now is the perfect time to try new recipes...plan meals...and experiment in the kitchen.
Just to be sure: wash your produce well..and enjoy new tastes.

Practise Your Hobby/Passion: What do you love to do, but don't get to do it often because of time?
Pick up that instrument again..or start writing that book...or learn that new language. It may be hard to keep up at first, but devoting a little time each day to whatever you want to craft will make a huge difference, If you're looking for some inspiration...and want to get collaborative, Hit Record is an online platform that allows creatives to share and make art whether it's music, film or writing.

Organize Your Space: Spending a lot more time at home, make it a place in which you are at ease.
Rearrange some furniture...or decluttering your coffee table may make a bigger difference to how you feel about being home than you would think.

Look at Old Photos: You may have shoe boxes full of them. Photos are are a great way to reconnect with your family and friends. Some are funny and cute ~ so text them as reminders of the many 'good time' all of you have shared. Perhaps, you could re-organize your recalls.

Video Chat with Friends: Staying connected with loved ones, is more important than ever, right now!
Face Time, Skype, Zoom and other video chatting platforms are great tools to virtually interact with friends and family. You can even get creative and share a meal, or watch a movie at the same time.

Rest and Help Others: Something we all need to do during the time, is to allow ourselves to rest. Take a step back ~ breathe and take care of your mind and body. Try to help others who are high risk or those who don't have the luxury of being able to stay home. May be a neighbour of yours is part of the vulnerable population, and needs help getting groceries. Perhaps their garden needs some tending.
Even, giving a call to someone quarantined could brighten their day.
As difficult and uncertain as this time is,
there are still many ways we can take care of ourselves ~
and those around us.

Virus Time!   In a recent Letter to The Spec, Bruce from Hamilton wrote,
Every Child Has a Future
To those who are nervous to have a baby at this time of virus,
I need to tell this story. My Mom is 101 years old this year.
She was born in Toronto during the Spanish Flu outbreak.
Yes, she is still with us and has pretty much always had good general health.
My three siblings and I often wondered
if it was because of her exposure from that virus time.
We all had pretty much good general health as well.
Not perfect ~ but into our 60's and 70's we are still here.
Maybe, there is something special about babies born during these times.
(Of course, it could rightfully be said that all babies are special.)
Extra strong or smarter antibodies!
Who knows?
Don't be scared, though. Every child has a future!

Written by Merle Baird-Kerr...April 12, 2020

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Childhood Recollections

My childhood may differ from yours ~ due to the fact I was born and raised in a country environment.The only outside rural activities were basically offered through the village's Public and High School. And not all these, were my sister and I permitted to participate...
due to our parents' religious convictions.
A few activities I have previously written about in my writings, when suitable to the topic.

Life has several stages from the toddler through to childhood ...then the 'teen' who enters into the young adult...testing skills, knowledge...whatever he/she can accomplish....and those in which they erred! The bonus factors determine the development of one's personality.

The Birthday Cake: My earliest memory was a celebration of my March birthday. My favourite Aunt Inez (after whom I was named (Merle Inez) had never married and had no children ~ living in Hamilton, she'd ride the TH&B railway train to the nearest station to our farm near Vanessa. To her, my older sister and I were her favourite children. Always she brought us small gifts...especially boxes of chocolate covered maple buds which she always purchased at ' Laura Secord' in Hamilton.
On this, my birthday, Mother had baked a wonderful cake...iced it...placing little animals on top and coloured coconut along the sides. She set the cake precariously along the edge of the kitchen table among other table treats for my Birthday Dinner. Accidentally, at my my young age, I backed into it with Auntie at my side...and not realizing at my young age of 4...when I stepped back, the head of my hair marred the beauty of Mom's icing masterpiece made especially for me. Desperately upset, Mother had to repair the damage that I had created! This incident I've never forgotten!

Visit of Queen Elizabeth and King George: I do recall when young, that the royal couple arrived in Brantford for a brief visit. Dad, too busy with farm activity, asked Uncle Jim (his brother whose farm was directly across the road) to take my sister and me to See the King and Queen of England, With the usual crowd attending this royal event, Uncle Jim lifted me to his shoulders so I could see them!    All I recall is the huge cheering crowd and the royalty garb and crowns they wore!

Garter Snakes Alive: How I Feared Them! Our several acred farm with its red-brick homestead, barns and sheds, was located near a swamp. Occasionally garter snakes would slither onto our grassy lawns. My uncles considered it great joy to chase my sister and and catch us...and put these creepy 'garters' down our necks!!! We deplored our uncles about their horrid teasing and fun. As a result, all my life I have feared and hated snakes to such an extent, that even in teen-age continuing to today I detest and have years suffered from a dreadful phobia about snakes. For many years, I could not even face magazines or books that displayed colour photos of these reptiles!!!

Waiting for the Toilet: In those days, farm houses had no indoor bathroom or toilet. Every farm home had an outhouse. So, when you had to go we each had to go outside to the outhouse...winter, summer... wind, snow or rain. At night-time, we had a pot beside the bed,having to empty it each morning.One time, when 5 or 6 years of age, I had to go...but Dad was in the toilet!
Standing along the side of our red brick home and waiting for Dad to leave, ,no longer could I desperation, I peed in my panties, dribbling onto the walkway beside the wall.
Finally, he exited the toilet, telling me I could use it...but seeing the puddle I'd created beside the house,HE WAS ANGRY and admonished me for my actions...and I burst into tears.

One day, when walking home from school, we had to pass the swamp before reaching our farm home. There on the gravel road, sunning itself lay a striped healthy-looking garter snake.
Terrified I could not walk past my sister had to go home to get Mom
who came and with a stick, forcing the reptile back into its swamp habitat.

Manure Spreading: Betcha didn't know about this! Morning and night, the cows had to be milked by hand until milking machines could be purchased to attach to the cows' udders. Always content to be summoned into the barn, the Jerseys and Holsteins had tasty hay in their mangers while being milked.
Behind each standing cow, was a trench into which their body waste went. Daily, Dad shoveled this waste into a wheel barrow and deposited this smelly waste onto his outside building manure pile. You may wonder why! In the spring, with the sowing of grains and seed, the best fertilizer for these young growing seedlings...guess what! Manure, the best even at that time, money could buy!!! With his manure spreading machine pulled by horses or tractor, his crops successfully and richly matured.

Several years later,when teen-aged, I was driving the red McCormick Deering tractor which was pulling a wagon upon which hay was loaded from the hay-loader and this in turn, was tine-grasping the cured hay lying in rows in the field. The cut hay had been lying in the sun to cure before it was gathered to place in the barn loft for winter feeding of his cows and pair of horses. Two men on the wagon gathering this of them found a garter snake that had been a-rest in the hay...he picked it up...flung at me driving the tractor...said snake landing on my shoulder...then flopped to my lap!
So terrified was I of this action...I stopped the tractor...put it in gear..and fled the scene from fright!!!  Of course, my Dad was angry with me for disrupting this 'hay-gathering procedure.!
Unfortunately, for years, I've had this phobia about snakes!!!

One time while in college in Toronto, I attended a Bridal Shower for one of my college friends. Games we played. a gift we each were a conversation piece about we each would converse.Being a shower, we each had a cup of tea on our laps.When my turn, I opened the ribbon tied box...took off the lid and guess what was inside! A stuffed artificial snake. So terrified was I...tossing the box and its content on the floor, I also upset the cup, breaking it and the saucer!

Finding a 5-Dollar Bill: When walking home one day from school,...and passing the Print Shop, on the sidewalk was a crisp 5-Dollar Bill. Believing it may have been dropped by a customer, I asked the Print Shop owner if one of his customers had returned to find his lost bill. With arms folded at his counter ~ and with smiling eyes, he said: Finders! Keepers! Oh! What Joy! What would a 5-dollar bill be worth today??? In early May, my sister and I bought a Mother's Day gift for her!

Whiteman's Creek: On the outskirts of our village, Burford, was this fast flowing stream with a large swimming area in the centre of it. All kids learned to swim in Whiteman's Creek!!! Because neither my parents had learned to swim, we were not allowed to go there! (After arriving in Toronto for post- secondary education, I joined a nearby gym, and learned to swim!

Happy Times: At local fall fairs, we submitted items to be judged. We had music lessons in voice and piano...We belonged to the 4-H club for farm children...we had items to wear that Mother crafted on her Singer Sewing Machine. One day Dad took me to a Brantford Red Sox baseball game where from my program's lucky number, I won a case of gingerale and movie tickets (the latter, I could not use. because theatre movies we were not permitted to attend.)

For many years, I'd believed my Dad would have preferred I had been a son. Yet, often when boasting about his family, he'd state: I'l soon have to sit on the front porch with my shotgun!

Assembled by Merle Baird-Kerr...March 27, 2020
Comments I appreciate...

Friday, April 10, 2020

Ideology of Paws and Wings

Dogs, Cats, Birds, Butterflies and Flowers
greatly inspire me ~ I'm a
Nature Lover!

Is it their personna? Is it their ability to communicate with man and child?
Is it the beauty of habitat which for them is 'nature given'?
Their purrs and whimpers...their yips and barks...their body language.. .that speak of moods...the wagging of tails, the fluttering of wings and the beauty of flowers as thy waft in the breeze...their habitats...whereby, all, including the visitation of winged insects to blossoms of trees and plants.

Black Cat states: I Lick, I cuddle, I run,I leap, I play, I sleep.
But if you think all that is an evil omen...if you think all that is pure bad luck,
then, Yes, we will endure great misfortune because, without me: your life will suck!
(unknown author)

Goucho Marx suggests, “A black cat crossing your path signifies the animal is going somewhere!”

According to Confucius, “The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room.

In Japan, there is a 'Cat Cafe' wholly devoted to the 'black cat' which is reported to bring single ladies “Good Luck in finding love.”
It is believed, that Cats and Women have long been connected in the public imagination. From ancient Egypt to the Middle Ages ~ to the turn of the 20th century ~ t here has been an association between felines and femininity! In that era, cats were highly honoured.
However, if you are spooked by Friday the 13th you're likely not alone:
as 'we humans' are a superstitious lot!

Birds, Butterflies and FlowersEvery bird, every tree, every flower reminds me what a blessing to be alive!
The birds, the moon and the clouds have an important mission.
To make mankind turn their eyes toward the skies...
and so man can leave his own littlle local world and focus on something bigger: The Universe!”

From a peaceful flowing stream, the mauve-whitish water lily recommends:
Adopt the pace of nature ~ her secret is patience!

An orange-headed bird on a leafy branch chirps:The beautiful Spring has come ~ and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.

Birds and Flowers ~ What a Sight! (observed John Chrueston)
The bee is more honoured than other animals..not because she labours, but she labours for others.
Next to the Bible, Nature is to be our great lesson book,”
stated a red and black bird ~ perched among colourful, feathery flowers.

Claude Monet's wish: “ I would like to paint the way a bird sings.”

And in conclusion, Nikos Kazantz states:As long as there are flowers, and children and birds...have No Fears! Everything will be Fine!

As a bee seeks nectar from all kinds of flowers, seek teachings everywhere. Like a deer that finds a quiet place to graze. Seek seclusion to digest all that you have gathered. Beyond all limits, go where you please and live like a lion, completely free of all fear. The bee is never as busy as it seems ~ it's just that it can't buzz any slower.” observed Kim Hubbard.

My Gardening Mother
She always had gardens ~ some with vegetables, strawberries and raspberry canes. The mature orchard bore fruits of peaches, pears, cherries and apples. However, the birds loving these fruits, would often infest her gardens. In desperation (to deter these birds), she erected 'scare-crows' to frighten them away. Much time she spent in protecting 'the fruits of her labour..' Yearly it was her bane!

Cemetery Day: This was a familiar and yearly event, when,in country living, farming families would either grow or purchase flowers to decorate the graves at the lcoal cemeteries. My mother, being of artistic nature, personally grew her own flowers. Artistically, she'd cut and gather her blooms and greenery to create spectacular wreathes to lay on the family grave sites. Cemetery Day was to farm people ~ a social and friendly gathering to renew their country togetherness.
Every summer and early autumn, neighbours would stop by for, not only a 'country chat' but mainly to observe her gardening expertise.Yearly, at the 'fall fairs, she competed for prizes with her floral arrangements, also for home-baked pies (both apple and cherry) from fruit grown on their farms.
From the 'male point of view' Dad, at these country fairs,proudly displayed calves, lambs and his 'best milking cow.'His big event was the ';plowing match' with teams of horses. (and later tractors)
pulling the machinery behind them....and occasionally he'd win!

Mother's Canary: My father, due to a heart-attack in early November, passed into heaven, 6 months after my marriage. Mom, remaining in their Brantford home, missed Dad. Yet, she kept busy, though 'past the garden season. For company, she had numerous African Violets on her dining room table. To cease her winter loneliness, my son and I with our2 children, purchased a yellow singing canary,
complete with standing cage...and
do-dads with which the bird could play. For Jerry, her singing bird, she made a night cover for his cage...and threw him a kiss.
Every morning, he enchanted her with his cheery songs. A great companion, he was to her.

Oft times, she'd release him from his cage to happily fly around; often he would nestle among her African violets to gaze out the window to the outside world. A great Christmas gift he was to her!

* * * * *
Monarch Butterflies visiting yellowed-centred purply-pettaled flowers
inspired Doe Zantamanta to pen:
Seeds, caterpillars and bees came before flowers, butterflies and honey.
They remind us of the beauty... transformation... and sweetness in life
we grew...the .persistence... and struggle...
and diligent effort.
Everything will be worthwhile, one day!

Compiled by Merle Baird-Kerr...March 22, 2020
Comments appreciated...

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Signs of the Times

We've heard the News...we've watched TV...this world-wide pandemic affects us all!

We are all on edge and on the alert as cases of COVID-19 continue to grow.
We are keeping our physical distance from each other
and learning how to live a more solitary existence for now.
With the closures of schools, businesses, libraries, even parks and trails,
the message is clear! Stay Home, Hamilton! Keep Well and all Stay Safe.
(reported recently in Hamilton's Spectator)

Wisely, someone , with positive thoughts, gave us suggestions
 to occupy our individual enjoyment. 
 A red-breasted robin, from its fence top, chirps a suggestion:
 Try a scavenger hunt to break the self-isolation monotony!

If you go outside, be sure to stay away from others.
When you see someone coming down the sidewalk ~
cross the street.
Take or use a clipboard and circle the items you were able to locate ~
leaving these items where you found them.
Perhaps, the following list will waken your eyes, which previously, you've never observed:
UPS or FedEx delivery truck...Christmas lights still up on a house...
someone walking a big dog...tulips growing in a garden...
someone walking a little dog...a robin, perhaps your first of the season....a sign or poster stapled or taped to a street light pole...someone pushing a stroller...a squirrel's nest... a teddy bear in a bedroom window...sidewalk chalk drawing...
a house number 100...someone riding a bicycle... someone else roller-blading...
a mud puddle...a grey squirrel...a gravel driveway or sidewalk...
.a street-hockey net..a garbage can lid...a rabbit.
Give yourself a time limit of 30 to 40 minutes. This is 'your hunt' ! Remember to'stay safe..'

Envison this MUTTS cartoon in today's Spec titled Woofie Wuvs Kitty:
he chases after Kitty who says, YES while running fast away,
further stating...'but in a Long Distance Relationship!

Tom, one of my Faithful Readers, sends the following opportune “Signs of Times:”
Just think, people who kiss their dogs( knowing they lick their ass every day)
are in a panic to buy hand sanitizers!

What if they close grocery stores??? We'll have to hunt for food (as in olden times)...
I don't even know where Doritos come from!

How long is this 'social distancing' going to last?
My wife keeps trying to come in the house!

Some people aren't shaking hands because of the Corona Virus.
I'm not shaking hands because everyone is out of toilet paper!

Gas is finally affordable ~ and we can't go anywhere!
To go to the grocery store, they said, 'A mask and gloves were enough.
They lied! Everybody else had clothes on!

Many people are just about to discover ~ the teacher was not the problem!

Home Schooling is going well:
2 students suspended for fighting...
one teacher fired for 'drinking on the job.'

On Home School: Day 1
I'm wondering how I can get this kid transferred out of my class!

The Sky is open for Business... wrote Kathy Renwald on a recent Spec page
with marvelous photos by Cathie Coward:
Nature abounds ~ if we but wander outside ~ looking up!
With camera in hand, she captured a dramatic 'female cardinal commonly seen.'
And waiting below on a barren branch, is Mr. Cardinal anxious to be summoned!

Birders Barry Coombs and Jackson Hudecki standing 6 feet apart overlooking Hamilton Harbour near Dundurn Castle observed, being migration time,” the sky is dotted with eagles and hawks......osprey look for perches...and vultures (nature's hard-working recyclers) soar over the 'high level bridge, scanning for food. The contemplative nature of bird watching is a release from worries.

Early migrants, you can view from your backyards: red-winged blackbirds, common grackles and flocks of starlings are here chatting and singing! Soon you will see warblers, singing sparrows and elegant cedar waxwings. The male birds will be in their colourful, breeding plumage! Their song patterns will change with 'dance moves...hopping...and bouncing' for female attention!
Colleen Reilly states, “Stand still and listen for the birds
when we are housebound...and scared.. the focus on nature is calming.”

Mark Twain's Wisdom
The two most important days in your life are
the day you were born ...and the day you found out why!

First Time in History... we can save the human race by laying in front of the TV...
by doing nothing!
Let's Not Screw This Up!

These are serious times ~ however, I believe it's important to have a chuckle.
We have always found that serious times are eased
by poking fun at them. Hope you've had a smile or two!

Composed by Merle Baird-Kerr...written March 29, 2020
Comments welcome:

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Each morning when I awaken, I remind myself...why this Monday morning did I recall a journey I took to South America
when my son was a boy ~ just turned 4 years old!

My husband, Ricardo (Richard), Chilean born, urged me to visit his families in Equador, Chile and Aargentina. With a 2-month 'leave of absence' from teaching, I flew from Toronto early January.
As a 'comfort companion' my son carried
Eeyore, his favourite stuffed animal..everywhere he went.

'Twas a cold winter day ~ yet summer in Quayaquil, Ecuador
to visit Mike and Alice and their baby girl.
(this city is also known as
The Pearl of the Pacific)
Walking the streets of this coastal city, Alice strongly advised me to hold onto my son's hand ~
(there are would-be-possessors who capture young children to SELL for monies obtained!)
Being the country's capital city, we flew to Quito for a long weekend.
And there, my blue weekend suitcase did not arrive!!!
It was stolen! And I failed to see it again, until my return home in late February!
Most of its contents had been stolen from my locked suitcase between Quayaquil and Quito.
(Time was not on my agenda to visit the Galapagos Islands...perhaps next time!)

The four of us and baby, flew to Santiago, Chile
where my husband's sister, Alice, and he were born.
How spectacular it was to was to view the Atacama Desert (along the Peruvian coast) prior to our descent into Chile's capital city along the Andes Mountains and Pacific Ocean.
Upon arrival, my son gave to his 5-year old cousin, Jimmy,
a toy replica of a real fire-engine that spouted water as in real life situations.
We spent 5 glorious summer months in Chile, prior to our flight to Buenos Aires.

One can never express the thrill of flying over the rugged
and on higher Andes' snow capped mountains in the midst of summer weather.
So Spectacular ~ our closest comparison would be Canada's Rocky Muountains!

In Buenos Aires, we spent 5 days with Jean and Jack, missionary friends
from Hamilton, Ontario, What a cultural city it was ~ bordering the Atlantic Ocean.
They also had young children with whom my son could play.
And as I recall, desert land bordered the western edge of this vast Capital City.

Our final stop was Rio de Janeiro, with Bill and Joan...first cousins of Ricardo.
How delightful they were, both with business jobs.
Joan, taking a week off from work, she entertained us royally.
One day, with a company car and driver, and a business friend from her workplace
they took us to an inland forested nature reserve park.
Being a hot, humid day, they and I lunched at the cafe...leaving my son with the car driver who was a mutual friend of theirs. Our view from the cafe was a spacious fenced woodland across the road which housed wild flowers, birds and other animal life. Near the fence...and looking into the trees, I saw a long blackish-brown snake winding its way ever so slowly... around and over limbs to search for prey,

As small boys will do, my son wandered near some grassland...saw a colourful snake...deciding to pick it up...however, our driver noticed...and shouted NO! NO! NO! It was a poisonous coral snake!

Returning to my Grade 8 students, so pleased was I to illustrate my colour slides of South American countries, from which I had just returned ~ since the Geography Study was to be South America ~ its physical features and contribution to world's economy. What an agenda for me!

Throughout my several travel destinations, it is an amazing opportunity to get away from home. You will meet people from all backgrounds...and immune yourself in completely different cultures.
To travel is to take a journey into yourself...I once heard.

I agree with St. Augustine who stated:The world is a book ~ and those who do not travel ~ read only one page.

Although, I've previously read these quote,s ~ they still hve much relevance to me:All journeys have secret destinations ~ of which the traveller is unaware.

The real voyage of discovery consists in NOT seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes! (Marcel Proust)

Composed by Merle Baird-Kerr...March 30, 2020
Comments appreciated:

Addendem to Galapagos Islands: Almost 1,000 kilometres off the coast from Guayaquil, lay these volcanic islands in Pacific isolated terrain of plant and animal species...including birds, sea lions, turtles and penguins. It is also significant that Charles Darwin visited these islands in in 1835 ~ which later inspired his theory of evolution!