A Territory in
northwest Canada, YUKON is wild, mountainous and sparsely
known for dog-sledding, canoe expeditions, hiking, salmon-fishing and
other outdoor pursuits...as well as for the colourful Northern
Lights sometimes
seen in the night-time sky. Kluane National Park and Reserve includes
Mount Logan, Canada's highest peak 5,959 m (19,551 ft)...as well as
glaciers, trails and the Alsek River, renowned for rafting.
is the smallest of Canada's three federal territories. Whitehorse is
the terratorial capital and Yukon's only city. The territory was
split from the Northwest Terratories in 1898 and was named the Yukon
Territory. Yukon
from the native word 'Yu-kun-ah'
meaning 'great river'. Population in 2010 was estimated 33,992.
The territory is about the shape of a right-angle triangle,
bordering the American state of Alaska to the west, the Northwest
Territories to the east and British Columbia to the south. Its
northern coast is on the Beaufort Sea. Its ragged eastern boundary
mostly follows the divide between the Yukon River Basin and the
MacKenzie River watershed to the east in the MacKenzie mountains.
The southwest is dominated by the Kluane icefields in Kluane National
Park and Reserve, the largest non-polas ice-fields in the world.
Kluane National Park also contains eight of Canada's highest
mountains, including the five highest, all in Saint Elias Mountains.
A number of glaciers flow out of the icefields. Permafrost is
common...throughout Yukon, especially the northern part.
Two major faults...the Denali Fault and the Tintina Fault have
created major valleys called trenches (the Shakwak and the Tintina).
The Haines Highway and the Alaska Highway north of Haines Junction
are built in the Shakwak Trench. Its edges have rich mineral
deposits including Klondike gold and the lead-zinc deposits near
The volcanoes in Yukon are part of the circle of volcanoes around the
Pacific Ocean...known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. Yukon includes
more than 100 separate volcanic centres that have been active.
The Saint Elias mountains are part of the Coast Mountains which range
from southern British Columbia to Alaska and cover the southeastern
Yukon. There are numeous mountain ranges in the far north, the
northeast, central Yukon and north of Dawson City and along the
Dempster Highway.
Most of the territory is in the watershed of its namesake...the Yukon
River which flows into the Bering Sea; the Southern Yukon is dotted
with a large number of large, long and narrow glacier-fed alpine
lakes which flow into the Yukon river system. Other rivers flow
directly into the Pacific Ocean or directly into the Arctic Ocean.
The long sunshine hours in the short summer allow a profusion of
flowers and fruit to blossom. Most of the territory is boreal
forest, tundra being the main vegetation zone only in the extreme
north and at high elevations.
Most of Yukon has a sub-arctic climate, characterized by long cold
winters and brief warm summers. The Arctic Ocean coast has a Tundra
Climate...generally very dry, with little precipitation, but is
wetter in the southeast. Precipitation is much greater in the
mountains...and the snowpack continues to melt well into summer,
resulting in high water in July and August.
was the mainstay of the economy until recently. Abundant gold was
found in the Klondike region, leading to the Klondike Gold Rush
in1898. Other minerals actively mined include copper in the
Whitehorse area...with lead, zinc, coal, gold and silver in other
areas. The world's largest known deposit of tungsten is in the
MacKenzie Moutains. Non-metallic minerals mined have included jade
and barite.
The fur trade was very important to the Yukon First Nation economy,
but low prices
and the impact of 'animal rights activists' have devastated the
traditional economy.
Gold Rush
was the seminal event in the Yukon's history. Led by Skookum Jim
Mason, he and his party discovered gold in Bonanza Creek, a tributary
of the Klondike River in August 1896. An estimated 30,000 to 40,000
people braced numerous hardships to reach Klondike gold fields in
the winter and spring...after the discovery became known in 1897.
With the influx of American stampeders,
the Canadian government decided to create a separate territory to
better control the situation.
of Yukon:
Human habitation dates back to the Ice Age...the original
inhabitants are believed to have arrived over 20,000 years ago by
migrating over the land bridge from Asia. In the 18th
century, Russian explorers began trade withe the First Nations people
along the Alaskan coast, beginning the establishment of trade
relations throughout the region. The famous Klondike Gold Rush began
near Dawson City in 1896. Due to the influx of people, Yukon was
made a separate territory. The second major event in Yukon's history
is the construction of the Alaska Highway during the Second World
War, for the transportation of war supplies. Eventually, Whitehorse
became the largest city in the Yukon.
First Nations:
Estimates show that by the 1,830th
year, the number of indigenous people made 4,700 people. The main
part of the territory of modern Yukon was occupied by various
Athabaskan tribes. The Arctic coast of modern Yukon, including
Herschel Island, there lived Inuit (Eskimo)...and in the south, lived
continental Tlingit whose language together with Athabaskan languages
were included into Na-Dene language family.
Covered with snow, Mount Elias in the extreme southwest of Yukon was
Fur trade began in the first half of the 19th
century. Hudson Bay explorers and traders from MacKenzie River
trading posts used two different routes to enter Yukon and created
trading posts along the way. FortYukon was established in1847 at the
juncture of the Porcupine and Yukon Rivers. In Alexander Hunter
Murray's journal, he gave valuable insight into the culture of the
local Gwich'in
people in
at the time. While the post was actually in Russian Alaska, the
Hudson Bay Company continued to trade there until expelled by the
American traders in 1869, following the Alaska Purchase. A new
trading post, Rampart House was established along the Porcupine
River, but it also proved to be inside Alaska's boundary. Gwich'in
people played
off the Hudson's Bay Company against American traders from the Alaska
Commercial Company.
Anglican and Roman Catholic missionaries
in the wake of the fur trade.
In 1894, concerned about the influx of American miners and the liquor
trade, the Canadian government sent inspector Charles Constantine of
the Northwest Mounted Police to examine conditions in the role in the
acculturation of the people in the Yukon districts.
After the Gold Rush, the population declined precipitously reaching a
low of 4,157 in 1921...and remained steady until the 1940's. The
next important event in Yukon's history was the construction of the
Alaska Highway during the Second World War, opening up the territory
to road traffic. The war also saw the construction of a number of
airfields as part of the Northwest Staging Route. Unfortunately, the
influx of construction crews had a devastating effect on some First
Nations, who suffered from a large number of deaths from diseases to
which they had no immunity.
Other highways built during the 1950's and 1960's resulted in the
decline of the riverboats that had provided the main means of
transportation until the 1960's. In the 1950's the White Pass &
Yukon Route pioneered the use of intermodal containerized shipping.
Mining activity also revived. Gold mining came back to the Klondike
and other areas with the large rise in gold prices in the lat 1970's.
the Canadian Government is investing in clean energy research and
environmental protection of the territory...with
the goals being the increased involvement of the First Nations, Inuit
and Metis peoples in the northern economy.
The large mammals found througout the territory include caribou,
wolves, grizzly bears and American black bears. Higher
elevation have Dell
and in the south, Rocky
Mountain goat. Polar bears are
found on the Arctic coast. The mule
and its predator, the cougar
are becoming increasingly common in the south...and coyotes
are increasing their range in the northern Yukon. Elk
and bison
have been introduced.
Many species of rodents inhabit the areas: squirrels, lemmings,
porcupines, pikas, beavers,various voles, porcupines,
muskrats...wolverines, martens, ermines, weasel, American mink, lynx,
Arctic fox and river otters. More than 250 species of birds have
been sighted in Yukon.
Various fish are found in rivers and streams. There are no reptiles
inYukon...but a few frogs.
and Symbols:
(on licence plate) The
By order of the Terratorial Council, it was assented to December 1,
of Arms (topped by a Husky dog)
was approved by Queen Elizabeth II, February 24, 1956.
Fireweed...a magenta-purple, which by late July covers the hills and
The Raven became its official bird in 1986...sometimes referred to
as 'the crow'. It's an intelligent bird...been known to open boxes,
use tools and communicate with other animals.
The Sub-Alpine Fir is found in most areas of Yukon...the territory
adopted the tree as its symbol in 2001...in part because of its fame
among the Aboriginal people for its healing powers. Medically, they
would boil the needles to make a cold-fighting-tea rich in Vitamin
C...and also to use the sap to treat lung ailments.
rapid growth in the 19th
century due to the Gold Rush,
the peoples living in The Yukon, realized they needed governmental
As a result, the Yukon Act in 1898 designated YUKON
as a separate territory with Confederation.
Information compiled by Merle Baird-Kerr...July 1, 2016